Monday, May 04, 2015

UNISON Greater London Community Service Group 2015 AGM and Seminar: Sadiq Khan MP speaker

This is the flyer for the AGM and seminar for Greater London UNISON members who belong to the Community Service Group (Housing Associations & Voluntary sector). It will take place at the UNISON National headquarters in Euston on Saturday 16 May 10.30am to 1:00pm.

Branches and self organised groups can send delegates (All nomination and registration forms must be returned to Colin Inniss - Secretary to the Community Service Group at the Regional Office by 12 Noon Friday 8th May 2015)

Guest Seminar speakers will include UNISON member Sadiq Khan MP; and BECTU Organisers, fresh from their successful campaign for a London Living Wage for all workers at the Brixton Ritzy cinema.

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