This afternoon in Alexander Palace (aka "Ally Pally"), London there was a special conference of UNISON Local Government members. At the conference there was a choice between:

Eventually (after who knows how many speakers -for and against) there was a card vote where a clear majority of delegates voted to support the current package of proposals. I estimated it at 80:20 in favour. Paul Holmes later said he reckoned it was (2:1) 66% in favour and conceded that a card vote would have been even more against his argument since most large branches were in favour of the deal on offer.
One "sour" point (tigmoo). Despite this conference being overall positive (but expensive), I was very "concerned" at the behaviour of some of the delegates in my own London region. Please note that the vast majority of these delegates behaved in an exemplary manner. However, out of 60 odd London delegates there were about 2 or 3 who were continually abusive towards speakers who were against strike action. I apologise to other delegates from other regions who were disturbed by this behaviour. I don't just mean occasional expressions of frustration, moans or groans against the other side "speakers". There was constant and sustained (not shouting) personally abusive and demeaning remarks against nearly every single such speaker by this group. They did not even attack the "politics" of the person. Instead they were about the persons size or weight, that they were personally all corrupt, liars, stupid, thick etc etc. I repeat this not someone losing their temper, it was continual abuse and I believe deliberate abuse to intimidate delegates from speaking against the call for strikes. This is not acceptable. The vast majority of London delegates nearby were I think ashamed by this group and hopefully this incident illustrates why we need change in London region. For ..... sake we are suppose to be trade unionists who are against bullying!
I'll finish on more positive topics such as a pic of Jon Rogers (Far Left: Lambeth) with his "head in his hands" after the result of the vote (nuff said") and then long standing Kingston Branch Secretary, Alex Yap (Middle) and then (Right as in "always" not in "wing") Tower Hamlets Assistant Branch Secretary (Manual) Rita Ash.
"I make a point of never interrupting my opponents when they are in the middle of making a mistake," said Paul Holmes quoting Horation Nelson yesterday, in moving Comp C. I suspect Paul must have been wearing an eyepatch over both eyes if he couldn't see the sense of Comp A!
Hi John,
I have a report of the conference as well on my blog.
Take a look you may find it intersting.......
Lots of Love and Kisses
Welcome to blog land jo(h)ns - you do remind me of someone? Sorry about the blemish on the left-hand side of your face.
Love & Kisses back!
John my dear I realise that you are carried away about blogging now in your own name rather than anonymously (which I must say that I encourage as if you are going to have a go at folk you should have the honesty and courage to do it in your own name from now on). However I do think you would have been best advised to have listened to the debate at the Special Conference before blogging about it. I do find that is a good approach.
I hope you learn and get better at blogging, as we do need more Blairite bloggers from the trade unions as at the moment it seems that only genuine socialists trade unionists are blogging and that those of you who favour the Iraq war and the policies of the Government are underrepresented.
Good luck and keep up yout hard work!
Dearest Jon - I appear to have upset you. For the record "I don't do" anonymous blogs, I must admit that I thought the spoof blog (which I assume you are talking about) was by one of your mob, but looking at the time it was posted. It could be by anyone who was “tired and emotional” at the time and probably regretted it this morning (it’s not funny).
I must also admit that I am surprised at your comments. I know that with honourable exceptions) many of you on the extreme left, cannot accept any opposition and therefore think that they are entitled to be personally abusive to anyone who does not agree with them. I did not think you fell into this group. But apparently I am “dishonest” and “cowardly”, so it would appear that you are showing your true colours. Shame, but there you go – obviously you are up to something. Can’t wait to find out!!!!!
I am sure that it's an allusion to one Micky H!
Surely 'genuine socialists' are the ones who advance achievable goals and as such get practical things done. This contrasts with lefties who cling to a Marxist ideology that has failed and been booted out by those people who have unfortunate enough to have been forced to live under it.
This Government has its faults, and I disagreed with the Iraq war, but it is the only realistic option of advancing socialist reforms. That is why every single Left split from Labour - from the CPGB, to Militant Labour, to the Socialist Labour Party, to Socialist Alliance etc etc - has failed to either establish itself as a serious political force or, more importantly, do anything practical for the people it claims to represent. All they do achieve is split the Left vote and risk letting the Right back in.
As for the LGPS, I think another strike would have been disastrous both politically and financially for Unison. Though the hard Left is constantly seeking to undermine support in the unions for Labour ask yourself what either the Tories or a Tory-Lib Dem govt would be like. Have a read of what David Laws or Phillip Hammond have been saying lately about public sector pensions to get an idea.
Thank you for this, I regard your report as accurate, as you will see below I am attempting to get this distributed to all our Branch Committe and recommending we publish a newsletter (using this) to all our workforce.
**** Please ensure this is distributed to all the Branch Committee and comment on my suggestion that it is turned into a newsletter (acknowledging John Gray as the author)
Brilliant summing up John Wish I had been there but none the less it seems to have panned out the way most people wanted it
You know, John, I don't think the trots can bear to think there might be two of us out here blogging against their nonsense!
Keep up the good work.
Ha what's that split personality xx
John G "for the record I don't do anon blogs" :) of course love though I'd stick with your original, cos your right your latest attempt isn't funny.
(Ps JG were always up to something you'll just have to wait and see.....keeps you on your toes ;p)
See you soon xx
Dumb Blondes for Unity Have never thought that you were Micky H, although Micky from Lambeth knows that!
Tom P says:
"This Government has its faults, and I disagreed with the Iraq war, but it is the only realistic option of advancing socialist reforms. That is why every single Left split from Labour - from the CPGB, to Militant Labour, to the Socialist Labour Party, to Socialist Alliance etc etc - has failed to either establish itself as a serious political force or, more importantly, do anything practical for the people it claims to represent. All they do achieve is split the Left vote and risk letting the Right back in."
Much of this is right.
However, John "Roswell Gray", I can only say "Nano Nano!".
The fact is that this issue is dead serious and the mockery of the left which you and "Mickey Lambeth H" applaude along with the regional bureaucrats is a serious issue.
Alan Jarman was wrong to act as though he was speaking for London. he does not.
Finally, for you guys a piccy of Judas might be more appropriate!
Dumb Blondes for Workers Unity
Hi Marsha, I know Friday is "Poets day" but 12.55 is a bit early to writing this sort of stuff!
Me clock's a bit dodgy I posted it about 4pm :)
Blimey Dumb Blond, another one enjoying "Poets day" to the full! OK, ok, no "mockery" - serious point though which interests me is why do people like you think the best way to get over their political views is to be personally abusive (as opposed to "taking the Michael") about their opponents? Do you honestly think calling people "Judas" is going to change my mind or Alan? Will it impress our members? Who was it who said "Attack the Ideas not the Man"? Why don't you have the courage of your convictions to (say who you are for one) try and win the argument. Finally (I think not) and this is really crucial because it shows what divides us. I honestly think that Alan does speak for UNISON members in London. I can respect your view that you appear to think that London members wanted and would strike. But I am absolutely convinced that you are just plain wrong.... and I think that even the extreme left in their heart of hearts, know I am right (on this point).
The only people entitled to speak for the London region at the special Conference for Local Government was my self and Mandy Berger. We were elected to do so as the two regional reps not Alan.
So if Mike 'Beret' Calvert definitely knows I'm not you, John, why is no-one listening to him? I guess it just doesn't fit the conspiracy theory.
If we do ever get to meet, though, remind me to tell you about ET's Harry Potter obsession - well "The Philosopher's Stone" at least.
And how he had the nerve to slag off a Paul Weller single back in the "good old days"!
All the best
Interesting point Andrew, I will get my notes of the conference and maybe post on this issue.
BTW I understand Mandy is being disciplined by the SWP over her opposition to "Respect". It seems she thinks some of its new members don't have any "Class Consciousness" (shock, horror) Now Mandy and I have had our differences, but if she needs a rep for the hearing then she could always give me a call!
Well John and Micky,
Just one question:
why Mike "Beret" Calvert?
Is this an allusion to my pro French Lefty past?
Sorry Mikey - I haven't got a clue why Micky H calls you this, however I think it is safe to say that it is probably not meant as a compliment. Over to you Micky....
You're right, Mikey, it's the Lambertista thing.(As opposed to Lambethista, natch.) I just can't bring myself to be as rude about you as the other Capitalists. Must be our shared history.
One day you'll realise who I am. Maybe checking back over some of the old Lambeth NALGO minutes might help...?
Why is Lambeth (LG Branch)so weird?
(apologies to the normal "rank and file")
Unlike some of my comrades I have never thought that you-Micky-were a fiction, a creation, an amalgam!
I just cannot remember who you might be, must be all the drink I had when in lambeth (I do not mean coffee either).
One day though it will hit me between the eyes!
Mikey "Beret" (not Berry) Calvert, I quite like that--and the Gauloises as well!!!!!
John, beware of rumours you read on the Internet especially ones by anonymous bloggers with pseudonyms (unless of cause you are the original source). As I understand it many, if not a majority SWP members are not members of Respect. The SWP would lose and awful lot of subscription money if they expelled them all, don’t you think?
Andrew, the disillusioned SWP members (for now) I have had "contact" with recently mentioned this but wouldn't give full details. Perhaps they have got it wrong? My impression is that Mandy is being disciplined for the "forcefulness" of her views rather than simply refusing to join Disrespect. However, it is pretty clear that some SWP members at least are unhappy working with people who will always prefer to talk to a man rather than a women, who physically avoid people who are gay and are clearly only interested in pursuing community politics and careers.
Oh how far we drift from our original subject...
...and yes, Lambeth was always a left leader!
Does this include Micky H?
...of course it does!
nuff said...
where are your figures??? from
whfrom people who were from different political opions itwas a lot close than you say!!!
by the way im acive memebr of labour does not mean ive have to pull my forelock!!
Hi Rob (or whoever you are) London region was in the centre at the back. I had a pretty clear view of vote and that is how it seemed to me. Pity you seem to think that your eyesight is affected by politics? Shame, also you don't know how to express any political arguments. Such is life.
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