Picture is from last night just before midnight at Newham Dockside. We were just about to go out and take part in the bi-monthly Rough Sleeping Count. It was also the "Last Count" to be organised by Newham "Population Manager", Ajitha Sajeev, who had been awarded the BEM in 2020 for services to the homeless.
My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Ajitha's Last Count
Picture is from last night just before midnight at Newham Dockside. We were just about to go out and take part in the bi-monthly Rough Sleeping Count. It was also the "Last Count" to be organised by Newham "Population Manager", Ajitha Sajeev, who had been awarded the BEM in 2020 for services to the homeless.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Thanking Branches for UNISON NEC Nominations
Tonight my UNISON branch (Greater London Housing Associations) nominated Denise and I to be a candidate for the Community NEC seats (representing 80,000 UNISON Charity and Housing Association members)
Greater London General | Eddie Brand |
Great London Female | Sonya Howard |
Greater London Female | Clara Mason |
Greater London Low Pay Reserved | Abiola Kusuro |
Black Members Female | Manjula Kumari |
Black Members Female | Tansaim Hussain Gul |
Black Members Male | Ash Silverstone |
Black Members Low Pay Reserved | Maria Albert |
Disabled Members Female | Lady Lola |
Young Members General | Cameron Thompson |
Young Members Female | Micaela Tracey-Ramos |
Monday, January 27, 2025
UNISON Living Webinar - 15 May 12.30 or 5.15pm
| ||
Sunday, January 26, 2025
West Ham Ward Street Surgery - 25.1.25
Yesterday, I took part in a Street Surgery and canvass with my Councillor colleagues, John & Charlene, and local Labour Party activists in West Ham ward. We knocked on doors and spoke to residents, in and around Arthingworth Road, E15 about whether they had any issues regarding Newham Council services.
I picked up case work about fly tips and outstanding disrepair issues (see hole in toilet ceiling bottom left of collage). I had an exchange of views with one rather grumpy resident who objected to the Labour Government "raising taxes". I pointed out that they had actually not raised taxes for working people and if they were to increase taxes for more doctors, nurses and teachers what would be wrong with that? He was not convinced.
Most residents were pleased to see us and even if they had no issues to raise were happy to take leaflets with our contact details and to hear that we held a local surgery every Saturday Morning 10-11am (apart from Bank Holiday weekends).
We paid our respects to the Police memorial in Arthingworth Street to PC Nina Mackay who was tragically killed in the line of duty at this spot in 1997.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Newham Labour Group Social
Yesterday evening there was an enjoyable social event organised by Newham Labour Group at a local Turkish restaurant, "Kohinoor Grill And Thrill" in Barking Road.
As well as speeches by local MPs James Asser and Stephen Timms, there was guest speaker Rupa Huq MP, as well as contributions from The Mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz, GMB Dean Gilligan and myself (London UNISON Labour Link had helped sponsor).
I was lucky (yet again) with the traditional Labour Party raffle and won a bottle of single malt Scotch donated by Cllr Neil Wilson. There was a number of other prizes including GMB Bird Boxes!
Many thanks to my colleagues Cllr Simon Rush and Cllr Shantu Ferdous for organising this event.
Sunset over Leyton Flats
Walking back home this evening with Gill along Leyton Flats, Epping Forest. The weather forecast for tomorrow is pretty dire, so not sure about "shepherd's delight".
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
#HeartUnions week 10-16 February 2025
#HeartUnions week 10-16 February 2025 - Join in and let’s grow our movement |
Can you run a recruitment stall in your local area?
The number one reason that people give for not joining a union is that they've never been asked. Can you be the person to ask? (I am planning a stall during this week at work) |
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
A better life at work: how UNISON’s making it happen
Hat tip UNISON Eastern region Labour Link
"The Employment Rights Bill is a game-changer for working people. It’s going through Parliament thanks to @unisontheunion members and other trade unionists.
Come along to one of our webinars to find out more and how you can get involved.👉 https://eastern.unison.org.uk/events/tag/employment-rights-bill/"
Sunday, January 19, 2025
UNISON NEC Elections: Team London & Members Together Recommendations
I am supporting my London colleagues Eddie, Clara, Sonya and Abiola for the above London seats and making recommendations regarding the the other national seats below. Scan the QR code below to keep up with the campaign and receive updates.
Saturday, January 18, 2025
1st Labour Canvass in Forest Gate North 2025
This morning I joined Labour colleagues for my first canvass of 2025. It was led by local Councillor Rachel Tripp and we were joined by local activists and later by Newham Mayor, Rokhsana Fiaz.
I live near by and know this area fairly well. While there was real problems over parking control and Anti-social behaviour, most residents I spoke to were fairly satisfied with Council services and the social housing stock (nearly all Housing Associations) appeared to be managed effectively. Rachel was recognised by a number of residents as their long standing and active local Councillor.
There was complaints about Council parking enforcement being too lax but other complaints about them being too strict. Perhaps then the balance is about right? One of the canvassers, despite wearing a bright red "Labour & Co-op Party" hat, was asked by a resident if he was a Jehovah witness. I had an interesting conversation with one resident, who admitted that she had never voted but she would consider doing so in the future. I gave my view that the powers to be had never wanted working class people to have the vote in the first place and if we did not use it then they will try and take it away.
The cost of living crisis is still hitting residents and they are genuinely worried about the economy and public services. I share their worries but asked them to judge the Labour Government on what it does in the next 4-5 years and not in its first 6 months.
Afterwards we went to the "Wild Goose" Bakery for feedback, coffee and gossip. It had been a good session.
Next week we will be out and about in West Ham ward.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Investor briefing on Private Credit and ‘fire and rehire’ - The Oscar Mayer dispute and Pemberton Asset Management (Thursday 16 Jan)
550 Unite members working in Oscar Mayer’s Wrexham factory are taking strike action against a fire and rehire scheme imposed by management. Oscar Mayer management have already sacked 30 Unite members to force through savage cuts to terms and conditions.
Management is forcing through new contracts that reduce workers’ time off the production line to just two short breaks a day. Under the new contacts, workers won’t be paid for this time. Overtime for working on bank holidays is also being taken away. All told, the changes will cost workers up to £3,000 a year each.
Given its ownership, it is clear Pemberton has the capacity to intervene. Unite is calling on pension funds and other asset owners to make no further allocations to Pemberton until the dispute is resolved. Already Clwyd Pension Fund has confirmed it will be making no further allocations.
Unite has additionally submitted a complaint against Pemberton under the PRI’s Serious Violations Policy asking that it be removed as a signatory.
Please join us to hear more about the dispute this Thursday at 4pm UK. The meeting will be moderated by John Gray, trade union representative on London CIV, and include a contribution from Councillor Anthony Wedlake from Wrexham who is a member of the Clwyd pension committee".
Topic: Oscar Mayer dispute and Pemberton Asset Management
Time: Jan 16, 2025 04:00 PM London
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Standing for re-election UNISON National Executive Council (NEC) 25-27 - Members Together
Yesterday, Denise and I opened our re-election campaign to stand for the UNISON Community Service Group NEC seats to represent 80,000 members, who work in Charities and Housing Associations. We emailed 548 branches to provide information about ourselves and to ask for their nomination.
There are number of other NEC candidates, who we are supporting, who I will post upon later. Please see below our covering email to branches.
- Prioritise Branches
- Support our Community Activists
- Deliver for Community Members
- Restore Unity
- Fight Discrimination and put Equalities at the heart of UNISON
- Set a date between 13 January and 14 February for the branch nominating committee or branch executive to meet
- Decide who to nominate, please read our full letter
- If you have community members but are not a community branch, please ask them to support our nomination and ratify their decision at your committee meeting. We appreciate this is time consuming, but we know how important it is that they also have a voice in our union.
- Fill in the online nomination submission in the email from CES you should have received as soon as possible and before 14 February 2025.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
The TUC last year relaunched its UNISONREPS website which you can apply for a log in here TUC - UNIONREPS
It is an excellent resource where you can ask (and answer) questions of reps from other trade unions on various issues :-
- Equality
- Health & Safety
- Law & Representation
- Learning & Skills
- Organising & Recruiting
- Pensions
While it is not designed to replace your traditional sources of advice and support from your branch or region it is a really useful and informative resource for all trade union reps.
Friday, January 10, 2025
A-Z of UNISON learning resources
Hat tip Fife Health Branch.
Did you know there is a whole page of UNISON learning resources and resources created by other organisations, which may be helpful to you? See full detail below: learning.unison.org.uk/a-z-of-uniso...
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
National Executive Council elections 2025-2027
(It is that time again...and yes I will be standing for re-election. More to follow).
"On this page you can find out everything you need to know about the vote to elect UNISON’s new National Executive Council (NEC). NEC Election 2025 | UNISON National
The NEC is made up of representatives elected from all of UNISON’s regions and service groups, as well as seats for four Black members, two young members and two disabled members. It has the power to act on behalf of the union and is responsible for implementing UNISON policy and delivering on the union’s objectives and priorities.
UNISON’s rule book says we have to elect our NEC every two years.
When is the ballot?
The ballot opens on 21 April 2025 and runs until 21 May 2025. The results will be announced on 11 June 2025.
Who are the candidates in this election?
Candidate applications are welcomed from members who have held full membership of UNISON since 11 September 2024. If you wish to run as a candidate, please fill out the candidate form found online here from 13 January 2025
Candidate applications must be received by 5pm 14 February 2025".
Monday, January 06, 2025
"FTSE 100 bosses make more money in less than three days than the average worker does in a year"
FTSE 100 bosses’ will have to work two hours more to overtake UK median worker than they did in 2024
Calculations based on most recent available figures for CEOs and other top professions, plus Government data on UK workers’ pay.
The median FTSE 100 CEO’s earnings for 2025 will surpass the median annual salary for a full-time worker in the UK by around midday on Monday 6 January, according to HPC calculations.
The calculations are based on HPC’s analysis of the most recent CEO pay disclosures published in companies’ annual reports, combined with government statistics showing pay levels across the UK economy.
As with last year, the executive pay data suggests that CEOs will have to work less than three days of 2025 to surpass the annual pay of the median worker.
Median FTSE 100 CEO pay (excluding pension) currently stands at £4.22 million, 113 times the median full time worker’s pay of £37,430. This represents a 2.5% increase on median CEO pay levels in the past year, while the median worker’s pay has increased by 7%.
In October, the new Government introduced an Employment Rights Bill, including measures promising to give trade unions reasonable access to workplaces to speak to workers and requiring employers to inform new employees of their right to join a union. The decline in trade union membership is widely recognised to have been a key factor in rising CEO to worker pay gaps and widening inequality that has occurred in the UK and across other Western countries since the 1980s.
HPC’s Charter for Fair Pay, published last Autumn called for effective implementation of the Employment Rights Bill as well as further measures giving workers more of a voice in the running of companies.