Monday, September 14, 2009

Newham Labour Party, Party

This exciting picture features the pink flying saucer seen hovering above all the crème de la crème of Newham Labour Party at last night’s fund raising B-B-Q.

This was organised jointly by Newham Young Labour and Newham Fabians and held in a member's Forest Gate garden.

It was a great success and the entrance fee and raffle raised money for Forest Gate North branch and Newham Young Labour.

In the picture is Newham mayor Sir Robin Wales and East Ham MP Stephen Timms. While local London Assembly member John Biggs was also somewhere. West Ham MP Lyn Brown arrived later as did others who came to break the fast.

It was a good night – many thanks to the organisers.


Mike Law said...

I guess my invite didn't get to me because of the postal strikes.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Of course it may have been a little "membership" issue or perhaps the dog ate it?

Mike Law said...

Membership rules weren't a problem when it came the selection of council candidates in the past; have things changed?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

I thought you always had to be a member of the Labour Party to be a candidate?

Mike Law said...

Go and ask John Saunders and John Whitworth...

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

They are members.

Anonymous said...


Perhaps for the benefit of the public, and indeed party members, it might be worth explaining exactly what is 'Newham Labour Party'? How is it constituted, funded, led, and how is it democratically accountable to party members?

Mike Law said...

I'm suggesting you ask John & John about the 2002 selection process.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
There is no “Newham” Labour Party as such. Unlike say Tower Hamlets which does have a borough based Party unit, Newham organises on a CLP level (East and West Ham).

However, there is a Newham LGC elected by CLP delegates and quite sensibly a Newham Campaign committee made up of representatives of each CLP and LGC.

Hi Mike

Will do!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for your reply about 'Newham Labour Party.'

Do you happen to know when the LGC last met?

MIke Law said...


If the LGC has been meeting regularly then things have changed in Newham Labour...

I was surprised to see that Wales is the chair of the campaign committee; Newham has for many years been a one party borough, looks like it's become a one person borough as well.

Surely there must be another Newham Labour member with competence to chair the committee.

Anonymous said...


I may be corrected but I do not believe the LGC (Local Government Committee) has met since its AGM some months ago.

As you know, the LGC is supposed to liaise between the constituency parties and the council.

It's actually hard to understand why the LGC is not meeting, since it is packed with councillors, who are presumably there in order to liaise between the council and, the councillors.

Anonymous - 2 said...

Since you were at the BBQ - perhaps you can have challenged your Labour colleagues about expansion of London City Airport.

Newham Council issued a press release in July 2009 to say the airport would crate 952 jobs and now the airport has had to admit it got its figures wrong!

Whilst Robin Wales can enjoy a BBQ our in the open, for some of us down in south of the Borough don't get much a chance with aircraft noise.

See the attached link.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike and anons

Thank you for your interest in the Newham LGC! I won't respond to your comments since this is an internal Labour Party issue.

Hi Airport Anon 2

I thought you were packing up and leaving Newham? (what about my kind offer to help you move?). I must admit that I find it strange that you obviously come from a different planet than the rest of us but are so hostile to flying? How on earth did you get here in the first place?

Why, oh why do you and your website insist on discrediting genuine concerns about the airport which such complete and utter nonsense?

Mike Law said...

I thought the Labour Party was in favour of open democratic processes!

If Anon is correct and the LGC is packed with sitting councillors(and I don't see any reason to think otherwise as it was like that when I was a Labour member) then we can be assured that there is no internal party scrutiny of Labour councillors.

Airport Anon 2's information was posted on the Romford Recorder's website... yet there is nothing about it in the Wales promotional rag, the Newham Recorder.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Its a lot more open than the local Conservative Party? What's happening with your lot then?

We're in the run up to an election so time for everyone to pull together and do their bit for next May.

What's with this nonesense and paranoia about the Newham Recorder?

Mike Law said...

How do you know that local Labour is more open than the local Conservatives? Have you been a member of the Conservatives in Newham? Have you attended any of their meetings? Have you seen the press releases issued by Newham Conservatives to the Newham Recorder which have never been reported on by that rag? I have. I’ve also attended, organised and chaired Labour Party meetings in Newham and in Tower Hamlets.

When I first joined the Conservatives I was taken aback by the level of participation and debate at their local meetings; things may well have changed in Newham Labour, but at that time, it was a rare Labour Party meeting that allowed for an open debate on the way the Labour Mayor was governing the borough.

As for the Recorder, I have many examples of that paper’s bias in favour of Wales (I say Wales, and not Labour as, in my experience, the editor protects Wales and a few others). As I’ve stated above, the local Tories have sent several press releases to the Recorder – some critical of the Labour regime and others outlining what local Conservatives are doing – and few if any actual become news items in the paper.

I love the way you dismiss my previous comment as nonsense and paranoia, yet it is true that the Romford Recorder has run with the story that the airport expansion will not deliver the quoted number of expected jobs (Here); no mention of it in the Newham Recorder even though the article mentions Newham Council, a Newham MP and the Airport is situated in Newham.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
So – what is happening within Newham Tories then – why don’t you blog on it? It’s not really that surprising that the Tories spend time criticising the current Labour Council – that is what opposition parties are suppose to do! (and they have nothing to do but oppose).

If you write press releases you must expect them to be ignored from time to time. Happens to me fairly often with union releases.

There seem to me to be plenty of coverage in the Recorder of views hostile to Labour.

The airport anon story is simply rubbish which is why I assume it hasn’t been printed

...”Not as many jobs created in City airport as expected due to recession”...

This is not news - it is the bleeding obvious.

Mike Law said...

Hi John,

Sadly, I have no idea about the minutiae of what is current with Newham Conservatives as I haven’t attended a meeting for months – although I do keep in regular contact with Neil Pearce.

I disagree with your definition with regard to what it is an opposition party should do; I believe it should offer alternatives… if the Recorder printed some of the Conservatives’ press releases you’d have some idea what those alternatives are.

Again, there is a world of difference between printing a letter that has a pop at Labour and running with one that points out what a piss poor mayor Wales actually is.

Why is the airport story rubbish? Is it made up?

The fact is, the expected increase in jobs was a major argument for the expansion of the airport. It is also a fact that the increased number of flights does have a negative effect on the quality of life of those people living under the flight path.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
I’m glad you keep up with brother Pearce but I honestly don’t think that local newspapers should reprint political news releases on demand (even mine!) so I think you ought to look carefully into these releases to make sure that they are not just silly rants.

I do not accept your view at all that the Newham recorder is politically biased. Thier staff might not like you for some completely unknown and unimaginable reasons! But that is a separate matter.

The Mayor of Newham is also - whether you like it or not a very popular and successful politician in Newham and the local Labour Party. It is utterly very sour grapes on your behalf to pretend otherwise.

It is also quite clear to me that you are not a real Tory boy and you should stop being so silly, rejoin the party, shut up and take your medicine.

For crying out loud – anon airport implied that City airport had deliberately lied about the amount of jobs likely – the recession has caused less jobs to be created since there is less business!

Mike Law said...

You really are something else... and in a way, I feel sorry for you.

When you cannot respond with a cogent and balanced reply you resort to playground tactics.

“I think you ought to look carefully into these releases to make sure that they are not just silly rants.” I get it - Labour good and all things wonderful; Tory bad and nasty… well thought out.

“I do not accept your view at all that the Newham recorder is politically biased. Thier staff might not like you for some completely unknown and unimaginable reasons! But that is a separate matter.” – this is so weak… no doubt Grainger and Coughtrey dislike me immensely, but how on earth can support your notion that the Recorder is not politically biased. A former reporter on that paper would disagree. In any event, I sent in a letter today that, should I be fortunate enough to have it published, will you be prepared to allow me to print the full text here as a comment should the Recorder edit out any reference to Wales (as they normally do)?

“The Mayor of Newham is also - whether you like it or not a very popular and successful politician in Newham and the local Labour Party. It is utterly very sour grapes on your behalf to pretend otherwise.” – Now, this is really funny. In my travels around the borough, I bump into many Labour members (and the odd Labour councillor). I’ve yet to meet one who has the same rosey view of the Wales regime as you.

“It is also quite clear to me that you are not a real Tory boy and you should stop being so silly, rejoin the party, shut up and take your medicine.” What are you on about… please clarify.

“For crying out loud – anon airport implied that City airport had deliberately lied about the amount of jobs likely – the recession has caused less jobs to be created since there is less business!” – Bullshit! And you know it… if there is less business, then there is a call to reduce flights not increase them – think man, THINK!

I have suggestion: have a word with Whitworth and Saunders and see if you can arrange a drink in the Goose; I’ll come along and we can have a real chat.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
I’m very sorry about you feeling sorry for me. Honest.

Yep – you’re right there - Labour Good, Tory Bad

“a former reporter agrees” – This is great evidence - this must mean it is true then.

With the greatest respect Mike no one in their right mind would agree to publish a letter from you without seeing it beforehand.

I (all other things being equal) predict that the Mayor will be returned with a greater majority in 2010 than 2006. The local Party will rally around Labour team – Councillors, Mayor and our MPs.

See you are not a Tory boy or you would know your market led supply and demand better. If there is less demand for flights due to recession there will less supply. Pdq.

More than happy to have a drink in the Goose. Our first toast should be “Victory to Labour in 2010”!

Mike Law said...

"A former reporter agrees" - as far as evidence goes, this is about as good as most the evidence you provide about how awful the Tories are. What evidence would you like? I can forward some of the correspondence between Grainger and myself which is pretty damning for his impartiality.

Regarding my letter - as I'd be sending it here as a comment, you will get to see it before it's put on the blog; you can then decide to run with it or not. Your blog, your choice - rightly so.

As for Wales winning the next election - you may well be right; one hopes not.

Your supply and demand argument is a red herring - the council and Wales justified allowing for extra flights because of the extra jobs. End of story.

I think the toast should be to "The truth".

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Fw the stuff from Grainger - I suspect that he thinks (for some unknown reason) that you have been very rude and abusive about out.

My point about Robin, the Mayor was that he will increase his majority not just win.

Your argument over the airport doesn't make sense IMO

I think its supposed to be "to truth and justice" (not a tory toast)

Mike Law said...

You seem to know what Grainger thinks about me, and I’m sure you feel the same – good stuff!

Wales increasing his majority – wonder how many marked registers will go missing for two weeks this time!

Airport: the justification for a 50% increase in flights was the quoted increase in the number of jobs that would result; now the claim is that the current financial climate means there will be 50% fewer jobs than quoted; you claim there is no way anyone could have predicted that; current economic crisis can be traced back to 2007 - See timeline here; Newham council approve the extra flights July this year.

Are you lifting that from Einstein? I’m more than happy to stick with truth – NuLabour justice seems to be a little bit too elastic for my tastes.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
I've never even spoken to Grainger so it is just a wild, wild guess of course. I suspect you were just out of order with him

Please don't act like a spoilt kid – again, attack the politics not the man, this is sounding whether you realise or not as just being about personal spite since you didn't get your own way.

Less money less flights less jobs -or are you suggesting that that the recession was deliberately caused to decrease employment at airport? Hmmm

So you don't believe in social Justice or progress either?

Mike Law said...

“I've never even spoken to Grainger so it is just a wild, wild guess of course. I suspect you were just out of order with him” – is this your example of attacking the politics and not the man? Wow, you SUSPECT that I was out of order with Grainger so you totally dismiss anything I have to say about the Recorder’s bias. Do you read the Public Opinion page? A few weeks ago it ran with one of my letters critical of the current Labour Town Hall regime – it cut the sentences that mentioned Wales. The following week, by some admin error, the same letter was printed with the references to Wales included. I had scores of locals raise this with me and all, without prompting, came to the conclusion that there is a pro Wales bias on the Recorder – no doubt, in your world, I’m making this up.

“Please don't act like a spoilt kid – again, attack the politics not the man, this is sounding whether you realise or not as just being about personal spite since you didn't get your own way.” – another good example of not attacking the man! I have given examples (here and elsewhere) as to why Wales is a poor Mayor; do you want me to go over it again? What exactly is it that I didn’t get my own way about? Please let me know as I haven’t a clue what you’re on about.

“Less money less flights less jobs -or are you suggesting that that the recession was deliberately caused to decrease employment at airport?” – What are you on? Re-read my last post.

“So you don't believe in social Justice or progress either?” – this is just silly; by the way, what is anti-social Justice?

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Nope - in your world it appears that everybody you come across who doesn't happen to agree with you is corrupt, stupid or just plain idiotic.

Mike Law said...

"Nope - in your world it appears that everybody you come across who doesn't happen to agree with you is corrupt, stupid or just plain idiotic." - If you think that, ponder this: it may be because this is your blog, so I follow your lead and copy your style.

Great response John... a good example of attacking the politics and not the man.

I really hope you get through the selection process and become a Labour councillor; I can't wait!

Mike Law said...

Again... what was it that I didn't get my own way about? I don't know what it was, so I'd love to know how you know what this "thing" is that I so wanted but didn't get. Do tell.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Compare your comments about nearly everyone against mine from get go.

Now sometimes (very, very rarely of course) even I go OTT. While you cannot advance an argument without questioning a persons integrity. IMO.

Where's this stuff that Grainger apparently said about you then?

What "thingy" did I say? Too many comments to wade through.

Mike Law said...

“Compare your comments about nearly everyone against mine from get go.”

Okay, compare them; I think you’ll find I’ve only been critical of Wales and his cronies and I can support my arguments.

“Now sometimes (very, very rarely of course) even I go OTT. While you cannot advance an argument without questioning a persons integrity. IMO.”

I can, and I do.

“Where's this stuff that Grainger apparently said about you then?”

Do you actually read your blog? I could give a monkey’s about what Grainger (or anyone else) thinks about me. The point was that there is a bias toward Wales in the Recorder.

“What "thingy" did I say? Too many comments to wade through.”

I’m sure you just type off nonsense as a knee jerk reaction. You claim that my comments re Wales regime are just sour grapes because I didn’t get my own way – my own way over what? I haven’t a clue what you’re on about.