Thursday, July 02, 2015

Councillor Report to West Ham Ward 2 July 2015

Councillor Report to West Ham Ward


tel: 020 3373 2615 or email

Ward meeting 2 July 2015

Thursday 4 June I attended the ward meeting at Vicarage Lane and then the joint ward social at Nando’s restaurant in Stratford which I thought went really well. We had some great political discussions about General Election result.

Friday 5 June I met a Housing officer from Family Mosaic Housing Association for an inspection of Ladywell Street, E15 with local residents. The officer agreed to look into a number of communal repairs and suggested improvements. I have chased Officer for an update.

Saturday 6 June I meet West Ham CLP members at Stratford Station in order to go campaigning for John Biggs as Tower Hamlets mayor. I also went back to Tower Hamlets to campaign on the 9th and 11th (Election Day)

Monday 8 June I was pleased to hear that I had been re-elected as a member of the UNISON National Executive Committee for a third term of 2 years. In the evening I attended the Stratford and West Ham forum at Stratford Library. There was a very informative presentation by the Chair of Abbey Gardens, Torange Khonsari; important information on the proposed parking restrictions for the Rugby World cup (which may become permanent); a consultation on parking in Hartland Road and surrounding streets (at last!) and a report on Street Enforcement and applications for Community Grants.

On Wednesday 10 June it was the funeral of former Councillor, Alan Taylor, which unfortunately I could not make due to a work commitment. I attended my evening surgery at Brassett Point, followed by a meeting of the Council Investment & Accounts (staff pensions) Committee. There is a new contract for Actuarial services being proposed. I asked to make sure that we do not pick the actuary that has the most optimistic projections about liabilities and investment growth. There is also an “alternative financing...asset backed... pension plan” proposal which I have concerns about but will wait until I see the full details. After this meeting I was still able to make the end of West Ham CLP Executive Committee.

Saturday 13 June I had a morning surgery at Vicarage Lane. On Monday 15 to Friday 19th June I was away at the UNISON NDC conference at Glasgow.

Sunday 21 June I helped out at the reception and registration desk of the London Labour Party Mayoral hustings in the Old Town Hall in Stratford.

Monday 22 June I attended a “Safeguarding course” for school governors. I am the safeguarding governor for Rebecca Cheetham Nursery School. In the evening I attended the Newham local development planning committee and spoke in favour and responded to questions about the application for an “Educational Institute and Community Centre” in Plaistow Road by the Darul Jannah Trust.

Thursday 25 June I submitted a report expressing concerns to the Newham Cabinet meeting about proposals to give some Councillors and the Mayor a pension costing an extra 13.4% of allowances. At the West Ham CLP AGM in the evening I was re-elected unopposed as Agent.

From Wednesday evening to Saturday 4 July I will be in Manchester for the UNISON APF conference so I have given my apologies for the Ward meeting this evening.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any ward member wishes any further details on this report.

John Gray

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