Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense could work out that many nurses will be “unimpressed” with Tory MP’s Peter Bottomley and Tim Laughton posing with models dressed up as so called “saucy nurses” in a calendar.
Apart from the fact that the Tories are up to their normal tricks of trying to scare everyone that their local hospital is going to close down (if in power they would privatise it and charge you for treatment – but that is another issue).
Apart from the fact that the Tories are up to their normal tricks of trying to scare everyone that their local hospital is going to close down (if in power they would privatise it and charge you for treatment – but that is another issue).
Steve Brazier, regional head of health for UNISON in the South East, is quoted as saying he received a letter from a number of nurses who were disgusted and outraged because of the way their profession was portrayed.
He said: "It is a dinosaur stereotype of nurses as sexual objects which is deplorable and inappropriate and unacceptable.
"It demeans the whole profession."
If you are a female nurse working night shifts on a Friday and Saturday you have enough on your plate from leering drunks and fondle merchants, without being told “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” such offensive comments and behaviour are just “harmless fun” and “what’s the fuss?”.
Hat tip to Colonel Roi
Not quite as bad as John Prescott's behaviour towards women though..still I guess he was only the Deputy Primeminister..don't you agree?
I like the comment about the Tories closing the hospitals down...try getting an NHS dentist....and what about all the post offices that are shutting? Bit hypocritical don't you think? How do you explain this?
Where can I get a copy?
“Not quite as bad as John Prescott's behaviour”
Hi Anon
If the complaints made against JP are true, then yes, far worse. But two wrongs don’t make a right and frankly I would doubt that you or I know the truth.
So far all he has admitted is letting down his wife and family which is bad enough.
Being from North Wales I have always had a soft spot for JP. Especially since my old Dad probably had a role in winding up the pro-hunt yob that JP quite rightly punched in Rhyl during the 2001 election. Never mind he is a fellow Taff (by birth).
Hi Anon
I understand that there are problems getting NHS dentists in parts of the county but I must admit that all the dentist practices in my home town still advertise themselves to NHS patients.
There is a problem with Post offices closing but since I now buy my motor tax disc and foreign stamps “online” I obviously accept that some things do need to change.
"Where can I get a copy?"
Hi Anon
Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caber_toss
I wonder if Steve Brazier was as offended when Ken Livingston compared aJewish Journalist to a concentration camp guard?
According to Tracey Temple http://politics.guardian.co.uk/labour/story/0,,1764773,00.html he shagged her in his Whitehall office while his public service employees worked outside, also after the Memorial service for troops killed in Iraq. In his flat (that he forgot to pay council tax on), and in his hotel while his wife was downstairs. Dorneywood? Labour movement champion?
Was it not the Tories who organised for Dentists to have an opt out the NHS Day ????
Why is it we have the richist private dentists in the world (many working part time) ? ???
Why is it all the dental plan schemes make huge profits, while many cannot get treatment
Oh and who privatised hospital cleaning, that lead to such high rates of infection and to staff being paid the minimum wage
why our Tories
I still hate them !
Get real..labour have been in power for TEN YEARS and they didn't have time to correct this? Err.. what are they waiting for?
"I wonder if Steve Brazier was as offended when Ken Livingston..."
Come off it Anon, I can’t see any comparison with Ken’s attack on a Daily Hate Group journalist who had been hounding Ken and who happened to be Jewish. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4286633.stm
"According to Tracey Temple..."
To be honest anon I am a little sceptical of the salacious reporting of this affair as much as I was over the claim that Conservative Cabinet Minister David Mellor made Antonia De Sancha wear a Chelsea FC tee-shirt during their rumpty tumpty! But it is in the newspaper so I suppose it must be true?
I would like to have a go at overpaid dentists but since I am due a check up any day now......
Comrade. If you check my report of "salacious" reporting of two shags you will see I quoted from the Sunday version of the Guardian - the Observer http://politics.guardian.co.uk/labour/story/0,,1764773
- you say "I have a soft spot for JP" - but you complain about a calender? You should be condeming his record towards women not excusing it.
“Comrade. If you check my report of "salacious" reporting of two shags….”
Hi Comrade Anon
The newsletter article is “salacious” and to my mind the author makes it clear that anything which has Max Clifford’s fingers all over it should not be considered gospel (pardon the pun). I think that I did make it clear that Prescott did let his wife and family down. However, it is a personal issue of misconduct.
There is a real issue about how middle class Tory MP’s view women who work, sex equality and the role of women in society. Yes, there are Labour Party supporters who have awful views on women but I can honestly say that due to the backward and ignorant views I hear from Tory supporters that sexism is alive, well and flourishing in the Tory Party.
When is Cameron going to introduce women only selection panels? Sometime never?
Why didn't Two shags sue then? We can all clearly work out why. Looks like he had more spunk than Gordon though!
Have you seen the Sunday times is now collecting money to help treat servicemen wounded in Labours foreign adventures - what an appalling indictment of this Government. How many words did Gordon devote to the Iraq and Afghanistan? Remind me?
Hi Anon
There is a huge legal difference between “libel” and “salacious”. I have been threatened a few times on this blog with libel so just take this from me.
Good on the ST for collecting this money for the Headley Court Families centre – Mind you I can’t find on their web site any mention of the utterly vile Surrey Tory scum who objected to the centre having an extra facility for Military victim’s families to stay at.
Actually, anon what do you think about your type of people and their disgusting objections to this centre having extra facilities for our disabled servicemen (and you forget women) families.
How many words? Who cares what number, do you really think that Gordon will not do what is right? Unlike the despicable low life’s in Mole Valley.
*saucy snaps* boost blog traffic shocker!!
Only joking ;-)
Hi Darran
As if! :-)
Why is a servicemen who has had his legs blown off in the wars that labour has taken us into having to go to a charity for his healthcare? Just answer the question in a straight way please.
Hi Anon
Its fair point to ask whether or not the state should provide all the health care servicemen (and women) who have been injured on active service (or peacetime training?) instead of Charities.
The Surrey Tory scum who objected to the Headley Court family centre would have been opposed in principle to the MOD building such a facility in their backyard and were not motivated by it being funded by a charity. They are just vile selfish individuals.
As a kid I collected for the RAF benevolent fund every Battle of Britain Day. My Grandmother received much needed financial help from forces charity (much to the disgust of my War hero, decorated Grandfather who had served in the Army, Navy and Air force, off and on, from 1916 to 1945 – but that is another story). SSAFA is a respected well meaning organisation (not perfect - as we all are).
The straight answer is no, and I believe that the forces does look after service personal healthwise who have been physically badly injured in War (again not prefectly). Maybe it is the role of respected Charities not to provide direct care or pensions, but to assist and help look after families? The important thing is that it is done and done well.
Well John...get your priorities right then...and instead of taking up your valuable space with student union stories about politically incorrect calenders, or planning applications do something to help the guys terribly injured in these futile wars that Labour took us all into. Your old grandad would understand I'm sure.
“Well John...get your priorities right then”
Hi Anon
I think that the issue of equality and respect for front line NHS workers is really important. Also, I do feel deeply shamed that the residents of “millionaire row” who live next to the Headley Court Family Centre objected to the building of the centre. Remember, this was for simple overnight accommodation for the next of kin of our servicemen and women who have been horribly injured while fighting for their country (regardless of the rights or wrong of individual campaigns).
I am rather surprised that you appear to agree with them? For people who enjoy such privileged lives to object to the welfare of those who paid such a price to defend their privilege is just beyond contempt. This is not (in my view anyway) “student politics”.
My old Granddad (or rather “Teid”) who was I think of the “they don’t like it up ‘em” school of thought. Would have had very little time for the NIMBY’s and would have let them know his opinion of them in no uncertain terms.
He served in the trenches of the First World War (1915-1918 Gallipolis and France) in the pugnacious 63rd Royal Naval Division. He got a war time Commission and was awarded the MC. After the War, he served in the Royal Welsh as a RSM. My mother growing up in North Wales remembers as a little girl overhearing him being referred to as “Fred the Bastard” as he walked past by former servicemen (“under their breath very quietly so he wouldn’t hear” she said).
Glad you think my blog is valuable – is there any hope that you have seen the light?
BTW- Are you the Belgian fascist? Just asking.
I don't agree with planning application story at all - and I didn't accuse you of being a bearded hairy socialist - so a bit less of the fascist slurs.
You just need to raise the level of your game. Too much political correctness comrade.
“I don't agree with planning application story at all…..”
Hi Anon
Not sure what you mean by above? Do you think the story is incorrect? Apologies for the Belgion fascist thingy. It is just that your comments remind me of another bod that I have come across in the past.
What’s wrong with being a “bearded hairy socialist”! Tonight is our CLP executive and I can think of at least two members who would be proud to be called this!
What is your opinion on those people who would say you are a PC zealot with no sense of humour and what is your view on page 3 in the Sun newspaper?
Hi Damien
Maybe I am. I would ban such pictures in family newspapers - if I could.
(this may be a joke)
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