Really pleased to announce that Denise and I are standing again to be re-elected to be UNISON National Executive Council members (UNISON's Parliament for our 1.3 million members outside our annual conference) for the two Community Service Group seats (the 80,000 UNISON members who work in Housing Associations and the Volunteer Sector).
I work as a UNISON Convenor for a large Housing Association and Denise is a Senior UNISON activist for a National Charity. It has been an honour for both of us to serve as NEC members for the last 2 years.
We are so proud of our Community UNISON members, who have been on the front line providing care, support and housing services during the Covid-19 epidemic.
We shall be publishing our joint manifesto soon but are conscious that our members and branches will have other things on their minds during the next few weeks.
Prefer a BAME candidate was standing. I think it would be more representative of Newham, and perhaps you should consider standing aside.
Well, this is a for a National Seat and not representing Newham. You may have even noticed that I am running alongside a Black candidate for the two seats?
No, I didn't notice you were standing alongside a Black person, I saw a person of colour from the BAME community.
I think this displays the fact that you don't quite understand the the difference.
No, its because in UNISON we do not use the term BAME (which many members think is an inappropriate term).
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