It appears that the SWP and SPEW dominated “disunited Left” are up to their usual tricks of “Rule or Ruin”. Unusually they are working together on trying to wreak the North East Shop Stewards Network (NESSN). This is being led by their local full time paid staff (bureaucrats?). Their reasons for this are essentially sectarian and their methods completely divisive and destructive. Which I think the minutes of the meeting below prove. This brings the labour movement into disrepute. A good thing that at least UNISON activists in the north east do not have to experience any of this in our internal union democratic structures. This to me proves the importance of the union upholding its rules when unscrupulous elements organised by their political sects attack the union while defending the indefensible.
Check out also the public statement put out by the SWP about the secretary of NESSN who is one of their own members (not for long methinks). In the meanwhile the witch-hunting SWP have expelled a SOSA student organiser that I posted on before here.
Hat-tip thingy to Tynesider.
Report on the ‘Whither NESSN – Building the Network’ meeting, 19 November 2009
Sue Abbott declined to take her turn as chair and Alan Docherty volunteered.
1. Present:
With the right to vote: Sue Abbott, Alan Docherty, Bob Murdoch, Dave Harker, Ed Whitby, Fran Heathcote, Hannah Walter, John Malcolm, Julie Young, Paul Baker, Ray Smith, Simon Hall, Stuart Bracking, Tommy Gardner, Tony Dowling, Vicki Gilbert-Jackson
Without the right to vote: Elaine Brunskill, Kieran Picken (non-member), Norman Hall, Paul Phillips, Phil Wilson,
Simon Elliott, Trevor Bark, Yunus Bakhsh
2. Apologies:
Dave Ayre, Dave Hardaker, Geoff Abbott, John Gilmore, Kevin McHugh, Ross Carbutt, Shirley Winter
3. Secretaries’ Reports.
1. The Regional Secretary made the following points:
* This is an ordinary meeting of NESSN.
* The AGM takes place in spring each year and requires proper notice to the 111 comrades who are entitled to vote, propose and second candidates - and stand - for the Committee, and due notice of any motions and constitutional amendments.
* A small number of comrades did most of the work in NESSN.
* NESSN has grown to 205: 111 with full rights, according to the National Shop Stewards Network’s Founding Basis - which allows only those holding elected trade union positions to vote, and which NESSN abides by - and 96 with the right to use the email network and speak at meetings, but not to vote or proposes, second or be candidates for the Committee.
* NSSN is a voluntary body in London, dominated by one political group, and is largely a paper organisation.
* No regional SSN is anywhere near as big as NESSN, and most controlled by that same political group.
* The Northern TUC does little or nothing to support workers in struggle and Trades Councils barely exist.
* The NE left as a whole has built nothing of any size that has lasted, for at least forty years.
* All the organised left groups are very weak, and amount, at most, to 40-45 active comrades.
* The two larger left groups have ‘democratic centralist’ structures and appointed organisers.
* The voluntary structure of NSSN and the ‘democratic centralism’ of the larger political groups were bound to come into conflict with NESSN’s democratic structure, and this has now happened.
* There is a huge hole where sound rank and file organisation should be in the face of the growing attacks
on the working class, largely because of the disorganisation of the Homeless Left (grayee emphasis).
* NESSN is an information network, and this meeting has been called to discuss moving forward.
At this point a comrade who had no right to vote proposed a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the Regional Secretary, which was seconded by another comrade who had no right to vote. Both were appointed paid organisers of small political groups. The discussion that followed was often incoherent, but raised the following issues:
* One comrade complained that NESSN had ‘done nothing’ to support the CWU dispute.
* Several comrades pointed out that all the original platform and almost all the known organisers of the Public Service Not Private Profit event were Networkers, yet none of them had asked NESSN to help build the meeting or be represented on the platform. NESSN is a network, not a hierarchy, and the responsibility to network on such important matters is everyone’s. Why was this not done in this case?
* Three comrades, who had gone to the NSSN’s Annual Conference in London and ‘volunteered’ for the Steering Committee, claimed to have been ‘offended’ when Dave pointed out the fact that the Committee decided who should represent it at NSSN events.
* One of the ‘offended’ accused Dave of being ‘sexist’.
* Another of the ‘offended’ alleged that NESSN had ‘merged’ with the Tyneside Socialist Forum, but a leading comrade in TSF completely denied that was the case.
* Dave had challenged whether some events were really broadly-based, politically.
* Dave had allowed the ‘Morning Star’ event – a ‘Communist Party front’ - to go on the website. * Dave was ‘bureaucratic’ and his tone was sometimes tart.
Dave thanked his supporters and replied to the criticisms:
* There had been no serious political or organisational criticism of him, but there had been smears and lies.
* All but one of the critics belonged to ‘democratic centralist’ political groups, and the other was an embittered ex-member, and they clearly found it hard to accept genuinely democratic elections and accountability.
* They had tried to bully Dave to support their various front organisations, but had been unsuccessful.
* Their problem was not with ‘bureaucracy’, but with democracy.
* They had not recruited to NESSN, and were a brake on its development.
* All Networkers are entitled to email each other, without ‘going through the Secretary’, but the critics’ wanted a hierarchy that their small political groups dominated.
* NESSN had very few rules, but the Committee had to enforce them, and, between Committee
meetings, Dave bore that responsibility.
* All Networkers can complain to any elected comrade on the Committee, but not one had done so.
* Dave had received a complaint that the Youth Fight For Jobs event was not advertised on the websites of the unions it claimed to be supported by, and he found this to be true, so he asked for hard evidence to support the claim, which eventually arrived, and the event appeared on the website.
* After Dave gave his reasoned response to the YFFJ comrade’s vicious complaint, he received a second vicious message, which he also circulated widely, and at that point three Networkers resigned in disgust. This sort of ‘broadcasting’ was turning comrades away from NESSN, just as had happened in the past.
* Two NSSN Officers in the same political group as the YFFJ organiser had tried to bully Dave, but failed, so they refused to send NSSN documents to NESSN until the NSSN Chair took over that responsibility.
* Another event organiser was asked to provide similar evidence for the broad based character of his event, but said ‘don’t’ bother, so Dave didn’t.
* Dave tried to find out who Public Service Not Private Profit were, since all but one of those involved were in the same political group, but they had chosen to use their own name. The PSNPP website had nothing about the event and the email address on the leaflet did not work. Dave contacted several of those who advertised themselves as PSNPP and asked who was on its committee and how to contact their Secretary, but they all failed to respond. They were all in the same political group. NESSN took a stall to the meeting, where the chair, doorkeeper, bookstall organiser and ‘supervisor’ were in the same political group, and two speakers on the platform were in the same group as the YFFJ organiser.
* The decision to put the ‘Marxism Today’ event on the website was a close one, but it was organised by the People’s Press Printing Society, which includes many comrades not in the Communist Party, and the organisers had brought together a very broad-based political platform, including one leading Green.
* The false accusation of ‘sexism’ was beneath contempt.
* The allegation that there was any organisational link between NESSN and TSF was wholly untrue. Dave Ayre and Dave Harker had agreed to speak at the first Left Unity meeting in their personal capacities.
* NESSN had supported the principles for which the voteless seconder of the illegal no confidence motion had been attacked, and had incurred great displeasure in genuinely bureaucratic and right-wing quarters; so if this illegal motion were to be carried, the right-wingers would be laughing their socks off at their new allies.
* The illegal motion was designed to wreck NESSN, because a few members of two small political groups saw it as competition, and they wanted to take it over and ‘front’ it with a few fellow-travellers.
The Chair proposed postponing the vote until the 2010 AGM, but sixteen of those present (including several with no right to a vote) insisted on voting on what the Chair described as a ‘wrecking’ motion. Dave confirmed that the vote would be unconstitutional and illegal. If it was passed those voting for it would be seen by the 180 other Networkers as making an attempted ‘coup’ by a handful of people in two small sects; but the Committee elected at the 2009 AGM would remain in office until the 2010 AGM.
Several comrades without the right to a vote put up their hands, but among those who would be entitled to vote on a legal motion, the illegal motion of no confidence in Dave was passed by a majority of three. This took almost all of the two hours and the other Secretaries’ reports, and the rest of the agenda could not be discussed, so the Chair had to close a meeting designed to focus on Building the Network.
Dave Harker, Regional Secretary, North East Shop Stewards Network
(I'll post in "comments" a truly python alternative account of this meeting)
UPDATE: Andy Newman on Socialist Unity has linked to this post and it has set off an “interesting” series of comments on this issue.
Note of meeting of NESSN Thursday 19th November 2009
St John’s Church Hall Newcastle 7.00pm
25 networkers present, meeting chaired by Alan Docherty
Dave Harker, the Regional Secretary, gave a brief report.
This was followed by Elaine Brunskill moving a motion of ‘no confidence in Dave Harker as regional secretary’. This was seconded by Yunus Bakhsh .
A wide ranging discussion followed which discussed, alleged personal attacks by the regional secretary on networkers, differences with his political perspective, his alleged bureaucratic interpretation of the networks decisions about posting details of events organised by networkers political and campaigning organisations, and the relationship between the North East Network and the Networkers on the National Shop Stewards’ Network Steering Committee.
Arguments in defence of Dave and alternative suggestion of setting out other ways of working and waiting to the AGM in February/ March to make a decision on the secretary’s position were also discussed.
Prior to taking the vote an amendment moved by the chair, Alan Docherty and seconded by Ed Whitby to defer a decision to the AGM was rejected.
A further amendment to the substantive resolution ‘to hold an executive committee meeting of the existing elected members, bar Dave Harker, in December to plan the work and direction of the NESSN towards the next AGM and organise another general meeting in January’ was moved by Hannah Walter and seconded by Yunus Bakhsh. This was put to the vote of all those present at the meeting and passed by 15 votes to 6. The substantive motion of no confidence was then accepted by the meeting.
It was agreed that Hannah would co-ordinate the organisation of the December executive committee meeting.
After a series of announcements about future events the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
Well, rule or ruin is right.
I had high hopes for NSSN, but with the SW/SP playing their part to ruin it I am not so sure.
Any idea if they've tried it on elsewhere?
I had high hopes for NSSN, but with the SW/SP playing their part to ruin it I am not so sure.
SP members have devoted considerable effort to building the National Shop Stewards Network at a national and local level. Whatever the specifics of this local dispute this SP is definitely not trying to 'ruin it'.
I'm not in the Northeast so can't offer any insight there but since the author of this blog is a Blairite concerned with portraying parties to the left of Labour in as poor a light as possible so I would be wary of this account.
Having read it *elsewhere* I would be wary about being wary.
SU blog covered it, also Luna17's and elsewhere.
So the intervention is documented I just wonder what they hope to achieve, apart from pissing people off.
So is Yunus Bash a shop steward then? I thought we'd kicked him into touch ages back?
Hi Duncan
I don't have to try very hard.
If Socialist Party hadn't sent its members, most of whom are elected shop stewards, to the Wales SSN meeting last week, there would have been two people.
So is Yunus Bash a shop steward then? I thought we'd kicked him into touch ages back?
With help from the BNP presumably.
There's a long thread on Stormfront celebrating attempts to kick him out and the BNP's role in this.
violent bullying yobs who steal are a gift for the nazis. they want to portray all of us in this light.
None of this clarifies the situation, and I can understand that you, as a SP member, would naturally be sceptical and slightly defensive when your organisation is criticised, directly or indirectly.
So can I suggest a simple solution, why don't you email Elaine Brunskill and get the low down from her?
If that is permitted ?
It would clarify the organisation's role, and is a logical next step for any SP member wondering what's going on?
Nation of Duncan - the allegation that the BNP were behind complaints about this individual were investigated and found to have no substance. All Northern region branches were advised of this. It was a deliberate smokescreen to confuse people when the disciplinary case related to his conduct - nothing more nothing less. He has no credibility in the mainstream labour movement or public services in Newcastle and anyone allied to him is making a serious error of judgment.
I like the term 'homeless left' - where did that come from?
Read one paragraph of this contribution. Obvious that the Unison officials are using Jon Grays' blog to make statements and stir things up. Then they post commnets from anonymous entities (in other words themselves) then sit on the compute all night hiting the blog to make it look popular. What a joke you all are! You should know by now that J Gray write very little of what's on here!
The question is, did the events occur or not?
and if so, why?
I can understand that you, as a SP member, would naturally be sceptical and slightly defensive when your organisation is criticised, directly or indirectly.
Yes, particularly when someone claims that the SP is aiming to 'ruin' a network that it has devoted considerable time and resources to setting up and sustaining. That would make me a bit defensive.
So can I suggest a simple solution, why don't you email Elaine Brunskill and get the low down from her?
If that is permitted ?
Why would it not be? I've known Elaine for several years and trust her political judgement and account of the meeting, which is available in the comments section of the post you refer to on the Luna17 blog.
Also, I believe (but could be wrong) that she is not employed full time by the SP but works for the party one or two days a week and the rest of the time in a normal job. This is usually the case for our organisers.
Absolutley brilliant ,reminds me of unison's united left which is run by a small group of branch secretaries and thier hangers on .
Mainly based in London,and they are allways falling out over who they will back for national and regional elections and from which minority group
Keep it up JG,
Hi Modernity
It is interesting to see how Duncan replied to your suggestion. I think that even if you support the SP or SWP you would have to be a complete and utter fanatic not to be ashamed of what has gone on. I suspect he is. The “alternative” minutes from the Minitrue make it clear the SP & SWP full time (or maybe P/T) organisers led the attack on the democratically elected leadership of the network. Who I may not agree with but appear to be proper lay trade unionists. The complaints made about them seem frankly trivial and petty. It’s all about power and control. We have seen these attempts to take over and turn things into fronts time and time again in the trade unions. I really do not understand how or why any real trade unionists can work with these people? Trade unionists are supposed to leave their Party card at home (whatever Party) when they are representing their members. These mobs are simply beyond the pale.
Mind you I must admit I don’t see the need for these networks when we have already have regional TUCs and trade councils? They need our support rather than yet another competing organisation?
It is interesting to see how Duncan replied to your suggestion. I think that even if you support the SP or SWP you would have to be a complete and utter fanatic not to be ashamed of what has gone on. I suspect he is.
Enough of the cod psychology already.
As I said in my reply to Modernity, the SP organiser concerned (someone I've known for several years and trust) left a fairly detailed account of the events at the meeting in the comments at Luna17. Reading this account I don't see anything to be 'ashamed' of.
I really do not understand how or why any real trade unionists can work with these people?... These mobs are simply beyond the pale.
There you have it, a desire to freeze out parties to the left of Labour from the trade union movement.
It maybe doesn't occur to you that many SP members are 'real trade unionists' of many years standing. Perhaps that's why other trade unionists work with them.
Over the last few years I've seen numerous examples of shocking and shameful behaviour from card-carrying Labour Party members in the trade union movement. Never though, would I argue that such indviduals don't deserve to be part of the labour movement and should be shunned as they don't represent a genuine component of it.
I don't think you appreciate how unsatisfactory your answers are to non-SP members.
You may be willing to take Elaine Brunskill’s word for it, but it doesn't address the issues, for trade unionists.
Not sure if you're familiar with trade unionism but you can't put forward a motion if you are not delegated, representative and accepted as such, etc
To do otherwise would be like allowing people walking in off the street, to propose trade union motions, etc., no matter how destructive.
Your organiser was a non voter, in the context of NSSN, and as such should not propose motions and certainly they can’t be seconded by someone who isn’t capable of voting, the SWP organiser.
To do so is incredibly unsatisfactory from a trade unionist point of view.
I don’t think that you will accept that, or maybe even understand what I said, because you are in the bubble of the SP, and whatever your organisers says you will nod your head to, but from the outside it looks appalling.
so AWL video of Bakash breaking up their meeting never ever happended
Hi Duncan
Perhaps you are right about the psycho stuff I’m no Doctor Ruth. But in my view (for what it is worth) if you are not ashamed of your Party’s actions you should be. Just to be absolutely clear – in TIGMOO we work with genuine trade unionists all the time who are “to the left of the Labour Party”. My comments (my personal view and no one else’s) are directed to those so-called “democratic centralists” (SWP and SPEW) who try to take over or destroy anything they do not control and whose activists are subject to the whims of their Central Committee not the trade unionists who elected them.
These are the people in positions of leadership who I and many, many others cannot and will not work with.
You have an opportunity to help one of those genuine trade unionists to the left of the Labour Party who has faced criticism for his involvement with the NESSN; check this out.
Hi Jon
You are of course an exception to that rule. It is a shame but not surprising that you join in and cheer on those who attack and smear the union.
Whinge, whinge, whinge!!!!
It's absolute hypocrisy!!!
The national Union cannot discipline anyone without it being a 'whitchunt', but if any nasty far-left extremist crushes another one of their own, or most certainly a Labour Party member, thats 'democracy'.
Amazing, is'nt it??!!
so whos got the Bakhsh video of him breaking up the AWL meeting
I hear its great fun
those twats in the AWL pro Zionists deserved it
call themselves revoluntaries
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