The modern day Opium of the People is now apparently called SPEW - the Revolutionary Party formerly known as militant tendency now called the Socialist Party of England & Wales. Who are taking UNISON to court this week in order to prove that Trotskyism is a religious cult and they (and I suppose from their “logic” the Nazi BNP and NF?) are protected under British State religious discrimination laws.
Comrade Mercader investigates this and finds stunning new video evidence.
I doubt that the ruling class will be trembling at the prospect of any new legal protection for these political charlatans and wreckers.
I'm reliably informed that yesterday Kelly under oath stated that 'revolution is not a central tenet of marxism'!!!
aplogies -i seem to have missed the startling new evidence point? Its not even amusing -go back to using scandal fax -that had some street cred and was genuinely funny.Caustic,inaccurate, libellous/slnaderous but funny
Meow Kat!
At least unlike Greenwich UNISON he has not wasted thousands of pounds of members money on a picture of himself and his girlfriend on the back buses
can anyone expalin apart from the cult of the individual how this recruits ??
See they are a cult after all
My cats don't meow -they purr! But honestly John -that was a very weak unamusing video. Def expected something better having been off the blogs for a while -I need amusement that is amusing.
btw thanks for the feedback on Board.
Hi Kat
I'm sure Comrade Mercader will take your views on board.
Did they allow the 2 reps?
Last year Greenwich had one of the highest levels of recruitment in the city, if not the country. Apart from the advert it was probably because Onay Kasab and the rest of the branch have a fantastic record when it comes to representing it's members, like winning the best single status deal in the country amongst other things. And this is exactly why the right are out to get him, because he show's just how bad they have been at representing thier members and because he dares to stand up to a Labour council. It's how representatives of the Labour party in Unison resort to pathetic slurs and name calling, as evidenced in the video, when they can't justify thier actions and thier poor record when it comes to fighting for thier members. Fact of the matter is that if Unison's leadership carry on this way then branches like Greenwich, Bromley etc will become moribund rumps just like Newham.
Hi Paul C
The best single status deal in London was actually in Newham. Almost all the good deals nationally (none are perfect) were in Labour (or Lab coalitions) local authorities.
Many branches and regions have run very good and effective campaigns but it’s having the Labour Party in power locally or working with Labour councillors that makes the difference. IMO.
Yeah right, John so why it that during the single status dispute the Greeenwich branch had to fight the Labour council (not to mention the Unison's regional leadership) every step of the way?. And also, if the trotskyists have such a negative influence on the union why has Greenwich got one of the best recruitment records in the country? coundn't be because it's a fighting, campaigning branch, controlled from the bottom up by the members could it?.
Also, the Newham single staus deal was won under the previous leadership that was controlled by members of the branch. Like the 4 branches involved in the present case bureaucratic maneuvers were used to destroy that branch and it became a rump. It would seem that Unison's leadership thinks it's more important that they protect the Labour Party than Unison's members.
Also i'd like to why the 3 wise monkey's cartoon was deemed racist when the 4 branches used it to illustrate the attitude of the SOC but it wasn't when Unison's disabled members section used on a lealet and officially santioned leaflet containing an image of the 3 wise minkey's was distributed at Unison's national women's conference?. I think we all know the answer to these questions and it ain't nice.
Hi Paul C
You are missing the point. Do you really think that the Newham and Greenwich deals would have been agreed with a Conservative or Lib Dem Council? Would there even had been a single status issue in the first place since they would have privatised all the manual workers beforehand and left no comparators in any case?
I am constantly amazed at those in LG branches who attack Labour and vote against them (which is of course their right) but when Labour loses and the new council goes for their facility time, terms and conditions and huge privatisation they are shocked and outraged. Talk about Turkeys voting for Christmas.
I personally won’t comment on the actual case since I assume there is an internal appeal pending. But I can ensure anyone that the Labour Party itself is completely and utterly disinterested in anything to do with SPEW and its activists. SPEW has no political influence or power base locally or nationally - whatsoever. They could not give the proverbial toss about them.
John I think it's you that's missing the point. The single status deal reached in Greenwich would have been made whatever party was in power because the branch fought for it and beat the council. And they would have fought for it just as hard no matter what party controlled the council. I think your trying to portray as something the Labour council entered into willingly so that you can avoid admitting the truth, which was that the council's hand was forced by the strength of the campaign from the branch and that it was an embarrassing defeat for the Greenwich Labour Party.
As for attacking facility time the council have already attempted to do this in Greenwich more than once , they have recently laid off workers from building services and are about to try to do the same with social services. And they have also started the process of privatization by announcing that they plan to set up trading companies, which is effectively back door privatization (incidentally, the regional leadership have stood in the way of attempts by the branch to fight with one regional officer going so far as to do deals with the council behind the branches back). So what's the difference between you, the Tories and the Lib Dems?
Also if Labour and it's activists don't give 2 hoots about SPEW and it's activists then why has it gone to such lengths to boot them out of the union, I think that they've maybe hit a nerve over the years. As for no power base or influence locally or nationally, well, you obviously didn't follow the disputes at Lindsey, Visteon or Linemar too closely did you?. I would would have thought these would have been important struggles to anyone who really cared about the labour movement, yet you've never commented on any of these disputes on this blog, i wonder why.
And to be honest your refusal to comment on the case just smacks of cowardice, but that is the sort thing people have come to expect from members of the Labour Party.
If anyone should doubt the desperate lengths these 'socialists' will go to, then check out the support they are getting over at David Icke's Fruitbat Nonsense Hatstand webpages.
Can we be sure these are really SPEW members? Private Eye has them as SWP members.
Hi Paul
I’m sorry but this argument is barmy. I wouldn’t expect a branch to roll over and die if the Tories came into power and some conservative councillors are not anti-union, but it is no-coincidence whatsoever (IMO) that in London all the biggest and best organised branches in LG are in Labour Councils (or former Labour councils where Labour is a significant opposition.
By your logic (and this is not actually a slur on Glen) Bromley should be as big and organised as Greenwich? Complete and utter twaddle and nonsense. Yes, Greenwich Council is not always going to do what we would like – that is why you still need trade unions.
I would recommend that you get yourself out of your Labour Party comfort zone and go off and do some organising in a Tory shire. Better still go and organise in the Private sector (were trade unions are even more desperately needed) and see what life is like in the real world.
I did post on Lindsey but you are right I should have posted on the other disputes. They are important. But I was not aware in the slightest that SPEW had any role in this dispute other than the usual strike chasing and grandstanding.
As you are no doubt aware I am very fond of my own opinion and views but I cannot comment on an internal union discipline case until it is over. The stupid, pointless and self destructive campaign and pro BNP ET is another thing. I will be more than happy to make my views known once the appeal is finished.
Can't wait!
What was your view on Dianne Hayter and other sensible Labour members forming Londoners for Labour in order to reclaim the party from the Derek Hatton tendancy?
Hi Damien
They did good. Imagine this shower still in the Party
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