Tuesday, May 02, 2017

UNISON "there for you" Pyrenean Charity Challenge

"Members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact our welfare charity, There for You, which provides a confidential advice and support service for members and their dependants".

UNISON "There for You" is something that many of its members are unaware of but is something that I am so proud of my union for providing. Most trade unions do not have anything like this.

In 2016 following my re-election to the UNISON NEC, I was nominated to serve as a Trustee of "There for You".

While in the past I have managed to get important individual grants from the charity to help members I was unaware of all the help and support it offers to members going through tough times. 

While workplace representation, campaigning and collective bargaining is the meat and drink of our movement, we should never forget that trade unions are basically about working class people banding together to look after each other.   

There are many reasons for joining a trade union but I think gaining the protection of "There for you" is absolutely compelling especially for the low paid but who knows when you might need help and assistance if you lose your job or are ill.  

Two of my fellow UNISON "There for You" trustees, Karen Worsley and Andy Douglas (seen above with our Chair of Trustees, Maureen le Marinel) are attempting to walk 40k across the Catalan Pyrenees 15-19 May in aid of the charity. 

If you want to sponsor them you can donate here on justgiving for Karen  or via this link for Andy

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