This conference gives anyone interested in a trade union perspective on pensions the chance to learn about and debate the latest issues.
About this Event
As pensions change rapidly, it's more important than ever to take a long-term view. How can we make sure workplace pensions deliver decent retirement income for today's workers ? What role will pension funds play in transitioning to a low carbon economy? And is an ever-rising state pension age really an inevitability?
The TUC Pensions Conference will tackle all these issues and more.
Pensions minister Guy Opperman will update delegates on the government's plans for pensions policy.
Expert panels will discuss the future of defined benefit schemes, how employers could use collective defined contribution arrangements, and what needs to be done to make sure auto-enrolment can meet the needs of tomorrow's pensioners.
As the UK prepares to host the next UN climate change summit delegates will learn how pension funds can respond to climate change, and why workers must be at the heart of a just transition to a green economy.
After street protests erupted in France, we'll also look at how union movements in other countries have challenged attempts to water down state pensions, and what the UK can learn from these experiences.
The conference will have dedicated streams for trustees of DB, DC and public service schemes that will include updates on the implications of the McCloud judgment and the Pension Protection Fund's new approach to assessing sponsor risk.
The event takes place at Congress Centre in central London from 09:30-16:00 on 24th March.
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