I have posted this comment on the "Inside Housing" website in response to this article on "deficits" in the Social Housing Pension Fund (SHPS).
If you had to pay off your home mortgage by investing in gilts at current rates you would very soon be bankrupt and homeless. Why is your pension treated so differently?
"Hang on, the so called "deficit" in SHPS is mostly
La La land accounting. The
"deficit" is based on the price of gilts which are at a 200 year low.
It is a completely ludicrous way to measure liabilities and bears little
relationship to any real deficits.
If you had to pay off your home mortgage by investing in gilts at current rates you would very soon be bankrupt and homeless. Why is your pension treated so differently?
Due to recent changes in the gilt market and good investment
returns the SHPS deficit will now be probably hundreds of millions pounds
less. The irrational volatility of these
"deficits" is a real concern for schemes and employers but the fault
lies in the yardstick, not what it measures.
SHPS should be working with its stakeholders to take on the
government and accounting bodies for their failure to do anything to defend
modern sustainable funded defined benefit schemes from the "Alice in
Wonderland" regulation it currently suffers from.
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