Saturday, March 27, 2010

What has the Labour Government ever done for us?

"...papers cover in detail analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies on the distributional impact of thirteen years of Labour rule. The picture is stunning and represents a clear progressive redistribution from rich to poor with those earning over £100,000 paying the most".

Great graphic and very important research.    Labour supporters ought to spread the  word.

Hat tip thingy Left foot Forward and inspiration for post title from my new best friend ever Andy Newman at Socialist Unity.


Robert said...

Then why have so many walked away, why are labour looking for Tory voters, why is it that people like me are broke in poverty, because bullshit rules..

John Gray said...

Hi Robert

i don't recognise what you are claiming and I since you won't ID yourself I still think you are Tory Troll.

mrcentreleft said...

At the end of the day it's all very clear that if your a working man/woman you must be bonkers to vote anything else but Labour!!!

Anybody working for the public services must be doubly bonkers, unless they want to be made redundant, which can happen to the best of us anyway, but to invite it and then end up in deeper poverty when you get there just does not bare thinking about.

If you and I were running the country John we'd be living in the Socialist Republic, but hey - we're not so until then all we can do is go with the best we've got I'm afraid.

It's called life!!!

Anonymous said...


The militants of Lambeth are going aroound saying they are better off being part of the RMT or Unite. What a splendid idea! Anything you can do to help them be removed there?

Robert said...

I am now a Tory troll, without doubt....

John Gray said...

Hi Mr Centre left

very, very true!

Hi Anon

What on earth have the poor RMT ever done to deserve that lot?

Hi Robert
thought so!

Anonymous said...

The problem with you John is that you can't see any wrong in the Labour Party. You would support Hitler simply because he joined the Labour party. You are like the minions that followed the Nazi in Germany.

The Labour government has done great damage to this country. Vince Cable MP who is the Lib Dems shadow chancellor, raised many concerns about over borrowing in the economy. But Gordon Brown was too busy trying to get into No.10 to bother to focus on the economy....

Now, the fate is that we will end up with George Osborne as Chancellor who I have no confidence in.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Don’t be such a plank. Fancy comparing the Labour Party with the Nazi? You lot are getting pretty desperate.

The only, repeat only reason for this recession is the fraud and theft of the ultra capitalists who very nearly destroyed our financial system.

Thankfully Labour saved it.