"Sign the petition to demand Cameron’s pal Ashcroft pays back the £127 million he avoided " Left Foot Forward"
Picture mydavidcameron.com
My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
Does the petition demand the same of Mittal, Cohen and Paul?
I think your desire to be open and democratic and so on with regard to comments is absolutely admirable.
However, I (and I imagine many others) are simply bored with Mike Law's obsessive digs. And I'd much rather you spent time on all the other things you are so good at, rather than wasting your time on responding to him.
I suspect you won't take any notice of me because you are that kind of person - committed, and concerned not to let a bad argument go unchallenged.
But I do think sometimes it is better to let these fools howl in the wilderness and leave them to listen to their own inanity echo back at them.
Hi Mike
Amongst other things they did not "mislead" (or you would call lie) for the last 10 years about their non dom status.
Hi Baz (BB?)
You are totally right of course. But to be fair I think he keeps me on my toes and also since he comes over as so aggressive and unreasonable - that he discredits his arguments to any onlookers.
I will be busy in the coming 9 weeks - so I will be responding less to his more cranky and obsessive comments.
How is it that my questioning the statements made here, on this blog, by John and others are "obsessive digs"?
Isn't my question a legitimate one?
John and I disagree on many things, but the one thing that I think is to his credit is that he does actually post my comments even when he gets spitting mad about them! (although I've yet to be convinced by him that I've offered up any "bad arguments" and he does tend to close down a thread of comments when he starts to run out of steam - no offence intended John).
I do like this style of rebuttal, really works when you haven't got a cogent response.
I think I’ll stick with my howling inanity thanks.
As you seem to like repeating the “aggressive and unreasonable” mantra I’ll do you a favour. I’ll not comment on this blog again.
Thanks for affirming my reasons for not trying to rejoin the Labour Party in Newham.
Hi Mike
Your choice.
Bye, Bye then.
Ashcroft is a major problem for the Tories. The cries and reactions of pro-Tory bloggers on the internet confirms this. (Although even I, not New Labour, was a bit surprised by OA, Yorkshirebeard and Treborc joining in.
The problem isn’t with Ashcroft himself as others in the Lords have a similar tax status and support Labour; shame on us though. (I must add we haven’t got to the point of making them senior party executives yet, unlike the Tories and Ashcroft.)
The problem is for the last couple of years all the present Tory leadership have been skirting the issue in TV interviews and now look quite dishonest in their replies. It has long been suspected that Ashcroft was a non-dom (not paying tax on his overseas earnings like a Russian oligarch) but they just would not confirm this.
In fact I did wonder if it was a trap waiting for a senior journalist or Labour supporter to accuse him of this and then Ashcroft would sue for millions, waiving tax receipts in the air like Blears waving her cheque.
Now it looks like the Tories would have happily gone into the election without telling. It was only the freedom of information request that forced their hand.
Of course we know that most politicians in senior positions are dishonest, but there is still a problem when the likes Cameron, Hague and Osborne are caught red-handed. Saying look at the small print is only of use to insurance salesmen and the like.
So as everyone from Guido to DevonChap wants to use Lord Paul and other Labour non-dom lords as an excuse for Ashcroft, let’s answer that. Is it wrong that non-doms are in Britain’s second chamber? Probably, as I can’t think of one good reason for it. Is Ashcroft being a non-dom the main problem? No, it was the attempt to hide it while appointing him to a senior position in the Tory party and giving the impression he was buying himself a party and maybe a government, something it seems he may have had experience in before.
BloJo must be happy today – maybe he will become leader of the Tories sooner than he thought possible.
LesAbby on Labourhome
I didn't imagine we'd get Mike off the comments completely, but that seems a bit of a result!
Of course critical questioning must be welcomed and addressed, but you've clearly got other more important things to do.
Keep up the good work.
Baz (Not BB!)
I do hope that Mike continues to read this blog though!
ft the man who made millions out of the tories hospital cleaning privatisation
result cross infection, mrsa and thousands dead
still the tories got some pay back
You might like this short film - Hit ler discovers that David Cameron is a toff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BimSZ6ozDj4
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