Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Levithan Fiddler

Who would have suspected? What really good fiddling and a great folk song as well. I think he should give up the day job.

Hat-tip thingy Cdr Baby Trotter.


(It's a UNISON thing)


Anonymous said...


Goodness me, you could have knocked me down with a feather, Jon the Rogers on the fiddle - couldn't make it up ! pip pip

Graham and son

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that have been a bouzouki?

Anonymous said...

and he was on the One Show last night talking about his obituary!

nick venedi said...

Bly me the guy on the left does look (a bit..) like Jon of the Rogers... sorry Jon!

John Gray said...

Hi Nick

I'm hearing rumours - what is happening?