Tuesday, March 09, 2010

UNISON Public Statement on Employment Tribunal case of Kelly and Others –v- UNISON

"UNISON welcomes the ruling by the Employment Tribunal that the union did not discriminate against four members on grounds of their political beliefs when it disciplined them for producing and distributing a leaflet that was alleged to be offensive and racially discriminatory.

The ET unanimously dismissed all the claims brought against UNISON by branch officers Brian Debus, Onay Kasab, Glenn Kelly and Suzanne Muna.

UNISON has not made any public comment or comment to its members during the three years since the original publication of the leaflet. It is however now appropriate to set out the background to the case and to give a short summary of the ET’s decision.


At the 2007 National Delegate Conference (NDC) the four members produced a leaflet alleging that the Standing Orders Committee (SOC) were rejecting an unprecedented number of motions. The leaflet questioned whether this was because the motions were controversial.

The leaflet carried a cartoon depicting the SOC as the three wise monkeys.

Clytus Williams, the Chair of the SOC a black man. Given this, some delegates found the cartoon not just unfunny, but offensive and racist.

The chair of the Black Members Committee said it “belonged in the past with Bernard Manning”. Members of the SOC also complained that the leaflet was insulting to them generally.

An investigation was launched into the conduct of the four members. This was followed by disciplinary action.

The ET decision

The ET found that the members’ beliefs did not fall within the protection of the Religion and Belief Regulations (2003), which outlaw discrimination on grounds of religious or philosophical beliefs.

It added that their views “conflict with the fundamental rights of others and the dignity of the individual and are not worthy of respect……..in a democratic society” and concluded that philosophical beliefs do not include political beliefs.

However the ET also considered whether the members had been subjected to any discrimination on grounds of their political beliefs, whether or not they were covered by the regulations.

The ET’s conclusions:

1. The four members alleged that the decision to launch an investigation into their conduct for producing and distributing the leaflet was direct discrimination and harassment on grounds of their beliefs – specifically that they were Marxists/Trotskyists and members of The Socialist Party.

The ET found that, given the strength of feeling about the leaflet, it was entirely reasonable for Unison to consider the perception of the leaflet as being racist and to deal with that by ordering an investigation into its production.

The ET found that, given Unison has a policy of equal treatment, it was “not an option” for Unison “to do nothing”.

2. The ET also concluded that it was appropriate for Malcolm Cantello, the then UNISON President, “to consider that the leaflet was offensive and denigrated the chairman and members of the SOC, for Mr [Clytus] Williams to consider it was insulting to the SOC, and for [Unison] to investigate it under their rules”.

The ET did not require UNISON to explain why its action against the four members was not discriminatory because it said there was a complete lack of evidence of discrimination.

3. The Claimants alleged that the full investigation into their conduct carried out by two national officers , amounted to direct discrimination and harassment on grounds of their beliefs.

The ET unanimously dismissed these allegations, saying that the national officers “did not approach their investigation with a pre-judgment based on the philosophical belief of the Claimants of which they were aware”.

4. The members alleged that the decision taken by the NEC to move their cases to a formal disciplinary hearing, the manner in which the disciplinary process was conducted and the length of time taken to hear their disciplinary case amounted to direct discrimination and harassment on grounds of their beliefs.

The ET unanimously dismissed these allegations, finding that the members had failed to provide any evidence that their treatment was on grounds of their beliefs".

(As a UNISON London Regional Council Officer I was sent a copy of this announcement.  After all the deliberate untruths, smears and abuse heaped upon the union by unrepresentative extremists and their supporters I hope that this true message is now spread as widely as possible - John Gray)


andy newman said...

well this is a rum thing isnt it; becasue as I have pointed out before this question of whether or not political beleiefs are covered by the and Belief Regulations (2003), has already been decided at an ET against Robert bags who in a similar case took Unison to court claiming his BNP membership covered by the regulations.

But on the more general point, whatever the merits of the argument about the leaflet; these four members will not have made any friends in UNISON, or in other unions, by taking their own union to court.

Anonymous said...

Revolutionary socialists use bourgeois scum law to fight their own trade union (and who is going to give us back the money it cost to fight this ludicrous action? Money paid in to the union by low-paid members).

Just how low can these idiots sink?

I imagine the same statement has been sent to Mr Rogers as a London NEC member? I wonder when we will see it on his blog?

Anonymous said...

I seldom feel sorry for our paid officials but in this case I do. The union was right to investigate this issue and all the time the four were slagging off the union and our pai officials the union had to keep quiet. Now the process is over I am glad the record has been set straight.

Witchunt? My arse. The four were stupid and thoughtless fit producing the leaflet. And they were even more stupid in not giving an unequivocal apology.

Thanks for posting this up so the truth can now be told.

Anonymous said...


Are these groups any different in that they are all essentially political fascists controlled by a tighly knit central command committee who then impose thier views and ideology on any supportes daft enough to follow them

Good work John ,I am sure Mr McDonnell will now uphold the rule of law.

BTW where can I get a copy of the tribunal report ?


Anonymous said...

John in your excitement you have duplicated one of the comments !

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

duplicate comment deleted


Sid and Doris (Unison member) said...

THANK YOU! At last the voice of reason, someone in unison publishes the truth behind the lies of the disunited left who cast an ugly shadow over the democracy of our union.

Unison's loyal members should stand up to these trots now. Will anyone finally find a way to stop them embarrassing our union and themselves?

John Gray said...

Hi Andy

A "rum thing" to say the least! - I simply cannot understand how any trade unionist can publically attack and attempt to vilify their own union and not only that - but allow outsiders to tell lies and to make vile and baseless allegations and smears against the union.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the mentalist nonsense that Marsha is actually deciding to allow to be published as comments on her blog on this subject? Has she lost it completely?

Check out comment number 2 at:


Bill said...

Could I also ask for wisdom regarding how to go about getting hold of the full ruling, if any is to be had? Help appreciated.

Anonymous said...

With regard to the commenter at
10 March 2010 00:01

I just had a look and it seems Marsha changed her mind and deleted that comment after all.

For those who missed what she thought was suitable comment about the issue, this is what her anonymous commenter said (and I apologise for the language, it is not mine!):

"I too am thinking of quitting, but I'm going to leave the trade union movement.Our leaders are shitbag sellouts who should be fucking shot. I cna't (SIC) believe we put up with these scum. It's difficult to convey just how angry I am about this. Aaaaaaarrrrggggghhhh."

We should, I suppose, be grateful that Marsha is capable of having
second thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Well here we go. Glenn and his mates go to tribunal over this case. I wonder why they didnt see fit to take cases for women affected by equal pay. Like John, they are not opposing the unions discraceful stance on equal pay. Pay em up and shut em up. Care workers have been shafted on JE. Do a survey John. More privatisation than Thatcher - Shit pay deals for carers. No big Leeds campaign unless you are a man

Brian Smith said...

Can I ask why it took three years to 'investigate' this case? If an employer took that length of time to deal with such a matter, trade unionists would be foaming at the mouth ... But I suppose the protagonists in this case never have been trade unionists.

Steve said...

Brian - your are right that the gang of 4 are not real trade unionists. it is always a pity when people who only join the union because they are extremist political activists choose to abuse the fair union lay appeals to drag things out in order to attack, attack, attack the union and take them to courts.

the same legal system that is being used to repress the RMT.

it shows that their loyality was never with the union or the members in the first place but with whatever their central committee told them to do.

Chris Kelly said...

Hi John,

You refer to the four as "unrepresentative extremists". However, they were elected by the members... in fact Glenn Kelly has been elected not only secretary of his branch, but also elected to the NEC... the full time officials who ousted them and seized control of the branches have never been elected. If anyone is unrepresentative it is the full time officials, not Glenn Kelly et al.

Secondly, you report that the ET found that "the members had failed to provide any evidence that their treatment was on grounds of their beliefs". You then claim that this is the “true message”.

It is actually untrue... evidence was provided by Tom Snow, a now retired regional official that there was indeed a conspiracy against Glenn Kelly and others on the left. You can read more about this here. The stuff about Tom Snow is at the very bottom of what is quite a long piece.

Thirdly, I don't understand why the SOC (or any powerful body for that matter) should be above criticism. Only someone with a totalitarian mindset can advocate the disciplining of people for using their right to freedom of speech to criticise those in positions of authority. As a Unison rep myself, I would never challenge the right of the members to criticise me... unfortunately, these fundamental principles of democracy and accountability are intolerable to some of those who occupy the hierarchy of our Union.

Finally, I am not a member of the Socialist Party and defend the four not for political reasons, but purely from a civil libertarian standpoint.

All the best,

Chris Kelly

John Gray said...

Hi Chris

You are posing a question on my own personal blog and this is my very own personal response (and nobody else’s).

1. Well, they are all members of the Socialist Party (England and Wales) aka SPEW. UNISON has 1.4 million members while SPEW has probably a few thousands at most (including many students) . When they stand for election they hide their views and do not let members know their cult like extremism. Remember that this is a democratic centralist party whose members have to do what they are told by their central committee regardless of what they think or their members think.

Apart from Roger, no one would vote for them in my view, if they knew what they stood for. So I think almost by definition, they are "unrepresentative" of our members. The vast overwhelming majority of which will find their views simply abhorrent and frankly bonkers.

2. Hmmnn, hang on, the Tribunal did consider Tom's evidence and obviously did not draw that same conclusion. They did not think that there was any such "conspiracy".

3. You are confusing things. I was at the conference in question and I remember clearly the widespread anger and disgust about what these people had done and what was even worse, their complete and abject failure to recognise that they had done anything wrong. Let us be clear that this is not about "criticism". It was about very serious, nasty, horrible despicable abuse by those who did and should have known better.

Don't forget either that the discipline hearing was heard by democratically elected lay NEC union members and the appeal heard by democratically elected lay SGE members. Who have at all times overseen and approved the actions of the "full time officials".

To my mind what is so despicable about this is that SPEW has chosen to publically not only attack our union, but to make blatant, vile and disgusting lies and slander about their own union. Because they did not get their own way. Rule or Ruin.

Chris, we have to have discipline and organisation in the movement. We are a trade union desperately trying to defend our members not a debating society.