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My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
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I can't believe that you chose to publish this astonishing attack on four UNISON members and their supporters.
Is it because they are in the Socialist Party?
I don't know how you get away with it.
It's simply taking advantage of the internet and the members concerned current parlous situation.
It only mocks the anger of their supporters.
Something needs to be done about you, John Gray.
Maybe I could buy you a pint?
Well done.
Hi John,
As a member of another Union I don't mean to intrude on private grief. Just to make a point about Trots in general. There is no way reducing their sentences will mean they don't consider themselves martyrs. I understand that they are organising a storm of protest as we speak. Though I don't know what teacup it will be organised in.
Dave Draycott
Is it true that the Lambeth file is now opened and suspensions there are imminent? There is silence on some of the blogs associated with Lambeth, is there a link? The militants in Lambeth are celebrating the take over of the branch and are boasting about this, do they know what to expect? Get on with it national!
pcs we want a political strike now
vote socialist party
Yeh, join the awkward squad, come to Congress House on Monday - show your solidarity with public service workers by sullying the name of their union and burning the truth.
By the way TUC, as for the rest of Unison the message is
"Not in our name!"
I believe that what you have done here is called bullying, it is inflammatory and discriminating. I thought the Labour party was supposed to support workers??
You have also alienated a large portion of your would be voters in 4 boroughs, I wonder how your party will feel when you lose all those votes at the coming general election.
Bullying is distasteful in all its forms but more so when you do it from the safety of your computer.
I think you should find more constructive ways to boost your ego than bullying people.
John i cannot believe that a genuine person such as yourself would publish such bullshit. The TU have behaved poorly in this instance.
This is not the way to get Dave Prentice re elected and your wishes overall in place.
By opposing the four you will increase the backlash against the Union --first rule of politics --and therefore ....
I really abhor your comments about a group of people who fought hard and long for the members they represented, and surelu that is the point....we had a large and sucessfull branch, it was run efficiantly!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought that bullying in the work place was illegal, maybe you shoould remember why unions were set up inn the first place - to protect and aid collegues!!!!!!!!!!!!!That is not what your doing.
There is no martyrdom involved in this what are you talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Levi and Anon,
get real. The average working person has never heard of these shinanigans and wouldn't care less if they had.
A lot of 'so-called lefties' are getting very hot under the collar in defence of 4 people who published a leaflet attacking a Committee who has a black man as the chair and put 3 monkeys at the top. If the 4 had not included members of the dis-united left you would all be shouting racist and no amount of BS about old budhist sayings as a cover story would do.
Dave Draycott
Well said, Dave.
The dogs bark, but caravan moves on.
Dave I think your an example of what a racist really is. 'BS Buddist sayings' to quote you is extremley discriminatory to those who follow Buddist teachings. Also the fact that you associate black people to monkeys in your mind is in fact just plain disgusting. Maybe you should try to learn something from the 'BS Buddist sayings' and learn to, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Also just need to point out that one of the four is actually black.
labour does not not give a toss either way about these people. hackney and greenwich will vote labour as usual since labour is the only party for directly employed local government workers. bromley is tory fool! we know who looks after us and keeps us on decent terms in greenwich. by the way DH the TSA is not a 4th london borough. It is a housing regulator. LOL.
the only bullies are those who put their party above their union, who glory in attacking the union, who do the job of tories and the bnp, who take their union to court and make fools of themselves.
none of them are black - one is english with turkish cypriot parents. you shame the black community by telling such lies
when serwotka was re elected the ultra left claimed he had a new mandate
when dave prentis is re elected we will have even more mandate to act on the cults
You could actually show some real respect, rather than your simpering and posturing concern, by spelling correctly the name of the belief system you claim to be concerned about.
It's BUDDHIST you numpty.
Hi Levi,
I do not associate black people with monkeys. However you would have to really have to take 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' to the nth degree not to have noticed that certain racists in this country do. And that (as you know, despite your hyprocrital schmarm) is the point.
As for the BS - that's not in the Budhist saying it's in using it as a cover. Thugh I think I could ' safely say that 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' is hardly practical if you're a political activist.
Must stop. Conversing with you is affecting my stomach.
Dave Draycott
Martyrdom? Burnings? I shall climb upon my trusty steed and set forth immediately to the fair City of London. I have a ducking stool you may wish to borrow.
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