Thursday, March 25, 2010

Protest by Camden UNISON against NSL Parking

On the way to my branch Executive meeting last night I stopped to speak to UNISON members protesting outside Camden Town Hall (see picture).

The private contractor NSL employed by Lib Dem/Tory run Camden Council refuses to recognise UNISON and is cutting terms and conditions of its staff.

Privately run “for profit” parking enforcement has no place in public service.

Our branch executive later agreed to send a message of support.


Robert said...

Sadly I heard Darling mention out sourcing as a method of cutting cost last night, New labour really showing it's Thatcherite colours now, not that it needed much in the first place.

Anonymous said...

wasnt this the council
where tory leader of council was demanding the private companies took him for meals

John Gray said...

Hi Robert

don't be so silly. Labour is still committed to directly employed public services in nearly all circumstances unlike the other mobs. TB has the scars on his back to prove it.

All that more reason to join Labour.

BTW - By chance I met up last week with Peter K in a Westminister pub and he mentioned that you post comments on his blog.

I told him that since you have refused to id yourself or respond to my comments I think you are a Troy troll!