Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"I remember the Tories..."

I am not sure that many people remember Tory government properly and of course many have only known life under Labour and have not a clue how vicious and nasty Tory rule can be.


Anonymous said...

darling just told the BBC that under Labour the cuts will be deeper and tougher than under Thatcher. Looks like it's going to be worse under Labour then than under the Tories according to Darling?

John Gray said...

Hi anon

No, he didn't quite say that...and only idiots would take that line. Thatcher cuts came after years of Callaghan attempts to reduce public spending and the last 13 odd years have seen money being poured into essential public services.

Quite right too.

Tory anon boy remember that this recession was not caused by excessive public spending but by fraud and theft in the neo-liberal financial sector which caused massive drop in tax revenue.

The real issue is that if there is any cuts it should protect front line services and the young, the sick and the elderly and that those who are better off should support those who are not.

Anonymous said...

This is from the Morning Star John.
"Chancellor Alistair Darling has let the cat out of the bag over the economy admitting that post-election cuts would be "deeper" under Labour than under the Thatcher government.

Mr Darling admitted the likely scale of public-sector cuts after being pressed to give detail on Labour's spending plans should they win a fourth term at the general election".

In the interview with the BBC, Mr Darling was asked come clean over figures that suggested that cuts would be more savage than under the Tory administration during the 1980s.

"They will be deeper and tougher," he blurted out. "Where we make the precise comparison, I think, is secondary to an acknowledgement that these reductions will be tough."

Brown got us into this mess. It happened on his watch. I for one hope he scraps in with a tiny majority because i want to see the next Labour Government forced to deal with the mess. It's going to be a hoot.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

glad you want another Labour gov. but remember it was the theft and fraud of free market gangsters who brought about this recession.

Tory supporters to a man (and the odd woman).

Anonymous said...

It happened on Brown's watch..he was asleep on the job. More than ten years in power and he just worked out something was wrong - he's other a liar or incompetent.

John Gray said...

Hi anon

Gordon is guilty of only one thing - Too trusting of Tory supporting thieves and fraudsters.