Friday, October 30, 2015

TUC mass lobby of Parliament – protect the right to strike #KillTheBill #TUBill

Monday 2 November
"As you know the Trade Union Bill is the biggest assault on working people’s rights in living memory.  We need as many branches and members as possible in Westminster on Monday to lobby MPs and ensure they are aware of the key issues, the impact it will have on our ability to support and defend workers and the strength of feeling around this issue.    

If you haven’t already made contact with your local MP it’s not too late:-

·         Try to arrange a meeting with your MP before the day. We have set up an email template you can use, just by putting in your postcode and a few details, here:

·         You can also write to them by post if you would prefer, at the House of Commons. Put your post code in the box on this website: to find our their name if you don’t know it, then send it to House of Commons, Westminster, London, SW1A 0AA.


The lobby on Monday will take place at Central Hall, Westminster -

12.30: Arrive (please do arrive by 12.30)
Arrive for the rally at Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, Westminster, London, SW1H 9NH. (The building is open from 11.30 am if you want to arrive earlier.)

Please first go to the Great Hall (inside the Central Hall building) to register. There will be a UNISON table

1 – 3.30pm: Rally
Hear from some exciting speakers from 1pm – 3.30pm.

2pm: Lobbying starts
The lobbying in Parliament will start from 2pm and throughout the afternoon groups will go over to the House of Commons to meet with their MPs to explain why they should vote against the bill. Please the queue outside the main entrance to the House of Commons from 2.00pm. You will need to enter through a ramped entrance (the Cromwell statue entrance) to the left of the St Stephen’s entrance to the Commons.

Finally if do meet with your MP please let me have any feedback and photos from the day .

The UNISON activists briefing ‘Everything you need to know about the TUC mass lobby on 2 November’ is attached for your info.

Hat tip KW

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