Tuesday, August 11, 2015

West Ham Ward welcome to our new Labour Party members

Picture from last Thursday with West Ham ward officers busy filling out names and addresses on welcome letters to new members. We then went out and hand delivered the letters speaking to the new members whenever possible. 

The new members I spoke to were really pleased that we had called. Let us see how many become active.
"West Ham Branch Labour Party

Dear Member
I hope that you are enjoying the summer. I am writing to welcome you very warmly to West Ham Branch Labour party.

This has been a strange time for Labour supporters in Newham: both proud of our Labour MPs who increased their majorities, but also desperately sad and worrying for everyone who cares about protecting the vulnerable, about education, about the NHS, about people in low-paid work, about people who need benefits... and sadly the list goes on.

Here in West Ham we are determined not to take the General Election result lying down. Now more than ever we need to show people that we are a vibrant, passionate and compassionate alternative to the Tories. Our residents, especially those who are suffering under the Tories' policies, need to see us speaking out on their behalf. So we will be getting out and about again, building up our presence and aiming to build our membership.

I am therefore asking you if you could do one or more of the following?

  • ·         come to a meeting
  • ·         invite your friends
  • ·         canvass with us
Come to a meeting

We normally hold monthly ward meetings on the first Thursday of every month. This can be anything from a political discussion, a joint discussion with a neighbouring ward and a speaker, nominating candidates for various offices in the Local Constituency Party, to a social. Information about each meeting is sent out in advance. If you have a topic you would like to discuss, please do email or phone our Branch secretary John Whitworth with your suggestion.

Invite your friends

According to some research most people join a political party because someone asked them to. Think about your friends and family, especially the ones who shared our dismay at the election result. Have they joined the Labour party? Have you asked them to join? Might they be interested in becoming a supporter for only £3 so they can help choose the next Labour leader? All supporters, friends, well-wishers and hangers-on are warmly welcomed.


If you've never been canvassing before, don't be nervous! It's good exercise and great fun, and residents generally are pleased to find someone has made the effort to knock on their door. But if you're interested and want to come along, please email or call our Branch secretary John Whitworth and we can make sure we keep you in the loop.

We really hope to see you soon. Please don't hesitate to drop us a line if you want to get involved, if you have any ideas, or any questions.
Warmest wishes,

Cllr Seyi Akiwowo
Chair of West Ham Branch Labour Party


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