I support the link we have with the Labour Party. Labour in power has delivered real improvements for our members, but, Labour needs to change and do more to win the next General Election.
We need an alternative economic policy. We need to champion trade union issues within the Party at Conference and move our members concerns up the political agenda.
As an active UNISON and Labour Party member I believe in supporting the Party, but also in campaigning for or against change where it impacts on our members.
Campaign within the Party for policies that lead to:
- A real increase in public sector pay. Our pay in real terms has been cut. Our economy is suffering from a lack of demand. To increase demand, pay more to ordinary workers who will spend it and not give tax breaks to millionaires who will save it.
- All public sector contractors should be forced to pay a Living wage, Sickness benefits and a Living pension.
- In a recession you should invest in public services not cut it. Reduce the deficit instead by progressive and fair taxation on those who can afford it.
- Defend all public sector pensions.
- Access to quality and affordable housing for public sector employees and their families.
Next year there will be local Council and European elections in London. It is vital that Labour does well in these elections in the run up to 2015. We need at all costs to get rid of this Tory led Coalition government which is destroying the NHS and public services. To do this we need a Labour Government that will be as bold, radical and reforming as in 1945-1950".
Please also vote for Jason Anderson, Mike Davey and Jonathon Slater (and not the Miserablist One) for National Labour Link Forum (see next post).
Please also vote for Jason Anderson, Mike Davey and Jonathon Slater (and not the Miserablist One) for National Labour Link Forum (see next post).
"A real increase in public sector pay. Our pay in real terms has been cut. Our economy is suffering from a lack of demand. To increase demand, pay more to ordinary workers who will spend it and not give tax breaks to millionaires who will save it."
You'll find every one's pay has been cut. You can't grow the economy by just getting the non-public sector workers to pay more tax. That's just a fake-economy.
The answer is to create high value jobs, so people can afford to pay public sector worker more.
At a time when Jessops and other big retails chains have gone to the wall, it is better to be in work (and getting paid a little less) then no job at all.
BTW Why is unemployment going down in a recession?
Hi anon
That is not really true. In the private sector workers have had some pay increases.
The share of ALL wages to national income is at an all time low. This is a long term trend. No wonder we are in such a mess.
We have no demand for goods and services in this country. Workers have no money and only massive household debts since they are so broke. This is destroying our economy not Government debt.
Due to low demand companies have massive cash balances but will not invest since there is - no demand.
Put money into pockets of poor people and they will spend it and create demand. Give tax cuts to millionaires and they will just save it.
Workers are going part time for rational reasons. It keeps unemployment down but low wages from such part time employment doesn't kick start the economy.
We already have an inefficient workforce compared to our competitors. Low wages = low productively.
There are no hyper inflationary pressures. So spend, spend, and spend to get us out of this low demand hole.
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