UNISON members from St Helier Hospital were not only joined by their colleagues from the GMB but surprisingly by a number of London Borough of Sutton Conservative Party Councillors, who apart from pledging their commitment to Save St Helier Hospital held aloft a banner proclaiming "Vote Lib Dem Get Tory Cuts"
Michael Walker UNISON Regional Officer stated
"We have fought previous Governments who tried to close our hospital and won, we will do so again".
It shows that Sutton's local Tories are more in touch with the people than the Lib Dems who have held power here for over a quarter of a century.
possibly Simon but dare I say there is more than a whiff of hypocrisy?
It's not unrealistic that local Conservatives (or members of any party) might take a different view to party central on a specifically local issue. However I think it is more likely that while there are many things that Tories and Unions fundamentally disagree about, on the issue of saving St Helier Hospital they have found and area of strong agreement.
agreed Simon. local hospitals for all?
One nation?
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