Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Why the Clown left the SWP Circus

Comrade Mercader has drawn my attention to the Harry’s Place post on Comedian Mark Steel’s book “What’s Going On?”. Mark left the SWP “rabble” last year after being a member since 1978 and in this book he explains why.

Check out here for a early ultra analysis of Mark and SWP bonker madness.

Apparently Galloway's antics on Big Brother was the final straw. Who said there was no good at all in the "Gorgeous One"!



Weatherman said...

There is also a very interesting 'exclusive' with Mark Steel on thethirdestate (http://thethirdestate.net/?p=792) on this issue

Bertie Humbug's Ranto-O-Matic said...

John, your Labour Government are no less awful. Except they have held the reins of power for 12 years and they've done untold damage :-(

Oh, come off it Bertie said...

Well, Bertie Humbug, I wouldn't underestimate the damage done by the SWP. They have stolen a significant proportion of at least two generations of the labour movement's best potential activists and frittered their energies away on absurd adventures and the need to look busy regardless of the impact. And through doping so they have helped turn people away from serious political engagement and working in the real world of politics. Just think what all that wasted energy and futile effort could have achieved if joined with mainstream activists.

Jesmi said...

But the U.S. is more like a lifeboat than a circus these days. And we all know the clown is the first one they throw overboard.

John Gray said...

Hi Weatherman

Yep - but why didn't he wake up years ago?

Hi Bertie

Great reasoned argument.

Hi Oh, come off it Bertie

I couldn't possibly comment.

Anonymous said...

I think you are ignoring the fact that both Newham and Camden have Branch Secs who are openly members of the SWP now? Assume that means there is support for that? McLoughlin and Binnet? (think that's how they spell their names)

Charlie Marks said...

Mark seems to be on his way to the Greens. How's comrade Mercader doing? Send him my love.

John Gray said...

Hi Jorden

Tower Hamlets is John McLoughlin; Newham branch is suspended and I thought that Camden branch sec (for the moment - he is retiring) is Dave Eggmore who is not SWP.

Hi Charlie

You are right about Mark but I understand that the Greens are still internally divided over "left" politics v "ecology" thingy.

I assume Comrade Mercader is hale and hearty. I'm sure he will respond directly to you. Are you out there Cde?

Charlie Marks said...

Their decision to fight the Euros on the economy with their "green new deal" proposals suggests a synthesis of views.

Given that Respect didn't take off it's no wonder the SWP pressed the self destruct button - you can understand why folk like Mark would be so annoyed about the whole thing.

John Gray said...

Hi Charlie

Comrade Mercader says ..."Tell Charlie 'Right back at him'!