Friday, July 10, 2009

Ground Control to Commissar Jon: your circuits dead, there’s something wrong

It is a shame to wash our dirty clothes in public but I note that the renowned witch hunter and red baiting UNISON NEC member has complained on his blog that the Ultra Left cultist, Glen Kelly, was “howled down” at yesterday's NEC meeting. I understand from people who were actually there and live on the planet earth that nothing of the sort actually happened.

It is interesting that he indicates that what he calls “gentle heckling” by Ultra Left extremists at this year’s NDC conference was okay? ...and he has the blooming cheek to calls his NEC colleague “hypocrites”?

Now I come from a rough and ready tradition of public political debate and can be as passionate about things as anyone. Sometimes, in the dim and distance past I will admit, even I, have overstepped the mark somewhat at meetings for which I have then apologised (never at our Conference of course).

But the continual screaming, shouting and booing in some Conference debates this year by Ultra Left delegates who at the top of their voices yelled - “Liars” and “Rubbish” at speakers they happened not to agree with is completely unacceptable. It is not “gentle heckling” This appeared to be organised and pre-planned behaviour and gave the clear impression that it was done quite deliberately to physically frighten and put off ordinary members from speaking at our Conference.

But I think that most people have a different view of heckling than Trotskyite entryists who always want to shout down opponents since they don’t actually believe in such bourgeois concepts such as democracy. Instead they think shouting loudly and being indignantly outraged all the time will bring about the revolution.

Remember: This is from people who quite deliberately wreaked a sensible rule change (and wound up others with untruths and smears) at Conference which would have assisted the union with throwing out of membership Racists and Nazi’s. Some speakers against the rule change did have a principled argument but why the Ultra Left actively organised against it is beyond me? I cannot think of any other reason than to score points to suit their own narrow, pointless and sectarian purposes.


Anonymous said...

so lets get this right

the ultra left end up with fewer NEC members and claim that only getting a majority not a two thirds at conference for a vote

shows that members back them and not our General secretary

Trot land is a place where a majority is never a majority, unless they say so

but then this is from a man who is paid for on full time release by an ultra right wing tory couil

if hes so good how come they have allowed him full time realease
he is "owned by the council" strange we never see strikes in Bromley isnt it.

why is it that dispite full time realease only 15% of the council are members of his branch

Thats Trotland
Thats leadership

Anonymous said...

Is it a fact that the delegates from Lambeth voted against the motion to expel BNP members ? If this is true I hope that 'transparent and honest' John Rogers will report this back to our Branch meeting when I am sure our Black members will string him up


mrcentreleft said...

I don't know about you John, but the more I see of the far-left the more I become convinced that they are the biggest set of dictators going.

They preach democracy as though they cling to it as a point of principle.

The truth is there is'nt a democratic bone in any hard-left group.

"You MUST agree with me, or you are undemocratic" is the reality of their argument.

The truth is John, that if the hard-left came to power today you and I would be shot in the morning. (Without trial or appeal).

And probably in the name of, and 'for the good of the working class'.

After all John, you and I 'compromise with capitalism' don't we?

How does anyone who is actively preventing the Revolution deserve to live??!! Particularly in the ultra-democratic Utopia!!!???

Jon Rogers said...

I wasn't a Lambeth Branch delegate at Conference but believe that the delegates voted in line with branch policy against the ill-judged and poorly worded NEC Rule Amendment.

One of our delegates is a member of the National Black Members Committee. If any black members of the Lambeth branch (or indeed any members of the branch) are unhappy with how our delegates voted they can hold them to account - and can vote for different delegates at our next AGM. (Just as I can be booted out every year at our invariably quorate AGM)

However, the decision on how the delegates voted was taken on the basis of a report on mandates circulated to all shop stewards and discussed at a meeting open to all shop stewards.

I don't object to silly attacks on me personally (as in the blog post) but I will respond to attacks upon the Lambeth Branch of UNISON, of which I am proud to be a member.

Janice - if you are a branch member please get in touch (or stand to be a shop steward as we want everyone to be active and welcome dissent and disagreement).