Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bastille Day - Viva La France

Hat tip thingy Paulie via Slugger


Anonymous said...

It's "Vive la France"

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Whoops - this reminds me why my French teacher refused to enter me for the CSE French exam.

ModernityBlog said...

you went to school eh?

aye, you were lucky!

when we were young.....

John Gray said...

Hi ModernityBlog

Which in my case of course was not all that long ago...relatively speaking...all things being equal...well, I’ve had a hard life yer know.

ModernityBlog said...

aye, I remember gas lamps, but that's another story :)

Anonymous said...

Shame that most of the French nation chose to collaborate with the Germans - good fiction though this movie.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 10.35

Rubbish. Shame on you for this view. Many, many thousands of French patriots were tortured and murdered by the Nazi. It is disgusting that you should say such a thing. In Britain like France we had our own Nazi's.

I think that cowards like you who have never faced such things should be ashamed and disgusted of such views.