Thursday, July 02, 2009

UNISON Labour Link (APF) Forum 2009

This is a quick post from Manchester. I'm just back from a meal out (a superb Turkish restaurant called the “Topkati Palace” in Deansgate) with fellow London delegates.

Tomorrow's agenda includes debates on motions, keynote speakers RH Harriet Harman MP and our GS Dave Prentis, workshops on “influencing the Government on key issues arising from UNISON national delegate conference”, MEPs panel Q&A, more motions then ending up with the traditional Friday night “Social”.

This is the elected national forum of the UNISON political fund which is affiliated to the Labour Party. It used to be called the “Affiliated Political Fund” or APF. This is a completely voluntary affiliation paid by those UNISON members who want to support and influence the Labour Party.

We live in “interesting times” in UNISON Labour Link and I am looking forward to a good debate on motions and during workshops. Needless to say – I will be expressing my views on things and hopefully posting over the next 2 days.

BTW – I have mislaid my Mobile -so apologies to anyone who is trying to get hold of me. You can email.


Jesmi said...

This sends out dangerous signals, UNISON need to think that there is conflict in the ME on a yearly basis, trade unionists need to think beyond that and get unions in the region talking and working together.

John Gray said...

this is spam?