Tuesday, January 09, 2018

"Harry Constable - in his own words"

(I missed the launch of this book about the life of Harry at the Newham Vic Turner/Pentonville Five remembrance event last month. While I never met Harry, I have more than a soft spot for the genuine working class trade union activists I have met with over the years and I suspect Harry was one - even though I would have not always have agreed with him) 

Harry Constable - in his own words Compiled by Bill Hunter. Living History Library. ISBN-13: 9780954207755 

Every docker
filled with pride,
when they had Harry by their side.

In London or in Merseyside,
no honour could be greater.”

From the song: ‘If Harry Don’t
’ by Alun Parry


"Dockers set the pace for all the gains in wages and conditions during the 1940s and 50s. Most of their battles, against their bosses, the government and sometimes their own union, were led by rank and file committees. Harry Constable was one of their leaders who became known and respected
among workers in all the major docks in Britain.

This book contains Harry’s recollections of growing up in London’s East End, his working life and political experiences, that made him one of the most outstanding and talented leaders in the unofficial trades union"

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