Saturday, April 18, 2015

UNISON NEC Elections 2015: My London Region and National Ballot Paper

The UNISON postal ballot election for a new National Executive Committee started on 7 April but continues until 15 May (click on to enlarge). So there is still plenty of time for UNISON members to vote if they have not done so. 

This is a copy of my ballot paper and preferences. All UNISON members in London will have the same choices for Regional Seats, while all National members of Community Service Group (Housing Associations and Voluntary sector) will also have the same choice as me as do all UNISON members over the Black Members' seats. 

Check out my recommendations for other regional and national seats here or on Facebook

Congratulations to Irene and Ablola for being elected unopposed! 

(If you did not receive your ballot papers by 14 April you should ring 0800 0857 857 for a duplicate. Lines open 6am to midnight, Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday).

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