Thursday, May 06, 2010

She will be back - if you don't Vote Labour

You have been warned! 

Hat-tip thingy "No-one likes a Tory".


Anonymous said...

Can you explain why magaret Thatcher polled more votes from the electorate in her election landslides than Blair ever did?

John Gray said...

Hi anon

Mainly because Labour was in a bit of a mess at the time. Like it or not Thatcher is hated by many (not all of course) working people and it was actually the fear of the Thatcher/Tories that saved Labour from total defeat on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

mainly because labour was in a bit of a mss at the time? Brown just polled the same level of support as Michael Foot? Mrs Thatcher was elected three times and this was a vote against the state that labour and unions had led the country into.

John Gray said...

...and what happened to her again? Oh yeah, the Tories stabbed her in the back when she became an electoral liability.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Oh we can expect that the Labour Party will be hanging onto Brown then?

John Gray said...

could be

Damien McKee said...

I can see the point of what this poster is saying buthave you not realised that some Conservative supporters as well as some within the party have the view that Cameron isn't fit to lick her boots and that if they had their way Maggie would replace Cameron and do you remember that there was a send up of his"I'll cut the deficit not the NHS" poster as him pleading "I am not Margaret Thatcher" poster that although meant to be critical towards the Conservatives there would no doubt be some Tory supporters like the poster for different reasons ie. they can't stand him?

John Gray said...

Agreed Damien but there is also another dynamic I think. Cameron and Gideon have the traditional old Etonian patrician distain for the ring wing "new money" tories.