In our London UNISON world the first big election test of 2010 is of course, next year’s UNISON London Regional Council AGM.
The 130,000 UNISON members in our region can send delegates via their branches to elect by secret ballot the Regional lay leadership - Regional Council Officers for the coming year.
There is also a number of other important regional committee members elected as well. Nominations close on 15 December 2009.
Rank and file delegates were able to wrestle control of the regional lay leadership away from the SWP/SPEW dominated Ultra Left 4 years ago and we have regained control at each AGM with increased majorities. The dream ticket for next February (IMO) is:-
Regional Convenor – Gloria Hanson (bottom right)
Deputy Convenor – Conroy Lawrence (bottom left)
Finance Convenor – John Gray (middle top)
Equalities Convenor – Monica Hirst (not showing)
Publicity Convenor – Lynn Bentley (top left)
Young Persons Convenor – Emma Rolland (top right)
Monica takes over from Gill Brown (top 3rd from left - who is a new NEC member) as our Equalities Convenor Candidate.
So why re-elect a Centre Left “sensible slate”?
Since the Region was brought back into members control Gloria and her team has helped increase membership; developed and trained more activists; organised effective regional campaigns on pay, equal pay, pensions and against privatisation; campaigned for equalities and against discrimination; and intensified work with members working for private companies and in the voluntary sector. The region is now built on solid foundations.
The coming year could present UNISON with many challenges. However, the Greater London Region is more than capable of organising to defend our members from future attacks but we need a solid leadership to do this. We need a team who:
- continue to return control of the union to its members
- strengthen support for branches and activists in undertaking the difficult task of supporting members at work
- put members first, keeping ultra left politics out of the union
- celebrate diversity, promote unity
- on real issues for real members, keep the union relevant
Please support Gloria and her team in carrying on with the work they started
The Ultra Left slate has been publicised widely by the usual suspects. However it seems some of their slate are now protesting that they are “independents” and they want nothing to do with those extremists. While at the same time I understand some of the true believers are horrified at the prospect of some of their “slate” and their “politics” (or lack of). Especially one of them who boasts of their very close relationship with full time officers? (personally I think that all activists should have good relationships with their full time officers?).
Murky waters indeed!
A close UL mole has even suggested to me that some of their slate are only standing for some sort of “a laugh”. Whatever that means?
I do look forward to next year’s Regional Council AGM which I always enjoy but I hope for the sake of the union that we will not again have the ultra left minority indulging in their usual aggressive, bullying and threatening behaviour while trying to shout down anyone who opposes them.
Of course such conduct wins us loads of votes but we would always rather have a dignified and reasoned debate. But I doubt very much this will happen. Never mind - roll on next Feb!
Reading you blog John makes me whince at times.
Considering Unison is quite a cr*p union in my opinion, I do become quite despondent to read about the political battles that are still alive and kicking in the unions today.
Most union members are actually apolitical. Some 30% actually vote Conservative. They pay their dues and expect representation when they need it and yet for their monthly dues all they get is this highbrow agenda of leftists attacking leftists.
Even to this day there is poor shop stewardship in many places and workers have been dealt a blow by employers, but hey, they must be mightly impressed that Sensible Left John Gray is taking on the UltraLeft in a battle for union places. That will protect an employee in a discplinary panel wont it?
Wrong priorities
I am sorry but you evidently simply don’t have a clue what you are talking about. You appear to lump everyone to the “left” of you as being the “same”? Which is just silly and even daft?
Within all political organisations (especially the Conservatives) there are very different political wings that grapple for control. UNISON is an open and democratic organisation and it is right and proper that the leadership at all levels is elected via contested elections. If you don’t believe in democracy then that is fair enough.
If you actually read the stuff we say - what we on the sensible left actually want is to spend less time on outside politics and more on bread and butter trade unionism such as representation. You can’t do this if you don’t first compete and win elections. QED
You make it sound like a bloody one off! You've been at each others throats since the 1970s and here we are today - wasting time over Left v Left.
I understand it very well thanks
Hi tory anon
No you just don't get it or you would rejoice that the forces of light and reason are fighting the good fight.
What you actually want is the ultra left to win out so the tories can try and slag us all off as living in the 1970's.
That is not going to happen.
Not that the 70's was all bad!
Do you input as much time on employee-related issues as you do on attending these committees, meetings, convenors sessions and liaison groupings?
Hi Newham Tory anon
Nope - far,far more. What do you do?
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