After it was revealed he had registered abroad as a "non-dom" for tax purposes.
Siobhan McCullough, UNISON nursing representative for Richmond stated:
"It is outrageous that David Cameron's Conservative Party told nurses that “we are all in this together” and as a result nurses must accept a pay freeze, yet their multi millionaire candidate in Richmond is registered in the Cayman Islands for tax purposes".
"We need an MP who represents the nurses and residents of Richmond not a Caribbean tax haven".
Michael Walker UNISON Regional Officer stated
“This highlights the duplicity of the Conservatives “Were all in this together” statement, obviously were not all in this together, things are still very good for bankers and millionaires”. Hat-tip thingy UNISON press release.
And the good Nurse of Richmond do right to label Goldsmith a hypocrite - let's hope they get out in force to re-elect Susan Kramer.
That should have read "Good Nurses"... etc.
I see Zac is blaming the Sun for the drop in the Tories support
50% well done Mike!
What are you? The bloody thought police?
Usual selective cr*p John. Wasnt it old Gordo and Darling who said the same thing??? and what have they done about that magnificent non-dom Labour bank-roller Lord Paul????
Labour has nevver said pay freeze, it said it would honour Nurses Pay review Body
When are the Governmnent going to stop Michael Ashcroft (Belize) bank rolling Tory candidates
Hi anon
I would perfer that no non-doms fund political parties at least Lord Pauls assets are mainly abroad and he is not running to be a "local" MP!
Well you could always try Gordon's favourite fundraiser and Sir Ronald Cohen. He's a non-dom.
My point is John, it is very easy to be selective about your points but you can easily trip up when confronted with your own Party's examples
no as john points out their not standing to be mps
I'd like to slate hypocrite Labour councillors in Newham, who claim to be 'local' councillors but don't actually live in Newham. They may not be non-doms for tax purposes but they're certainly non-doms in terms of residency
Hi Newham Tory Anon
As per usual - you are wrong! Why don't you use your name like Tory Mike?
He's not wrong... there are Labour councillors who do not live in the borough.
I see you are making assumptions about who happens to be Tories.
Hi Mike
I think that you are wrong and that you are aware of private personal circumstances that will not be posted on this blog.
I think I know who is Tory anon. His style is pretty obvious. There is no reason for him to be anon.
It's a shame he doesn't have the courage of his convictions.
I know I'm right... yet another thing for you to go ask Saunders and Whitworth.
One has actually admitted as much in letters in the Newham Recorder!
Simply nonsense Mike.
You must be joking!
A Mayoral Advisor has admitted that she lives in Southend - she claimed that she could legitimately remain a Newham councillor as her job at the time covered Newham (which it didn't).
I was also informed by a sitting Labour councillor that, when he took over, the current Chief Exec made it clear that there couldn't be any "non-dom" councillors in 2010.
Like I say, go and ask John and John.
Hi Mike
I'm not going to comment about individuals because neither you or I know the full facts but I think you ought to take a step back or you could be accused of being frankly very cruel.
Again... you must be kidding.
If an opposition member was in the same position the current Labour Group would use it to the full; I was a member of Labour Group and I know that would be so.
What is cruel about pointing out that a Labour councillor isn't acting within the Labour Party rules?
You'll really have to explain that one...
Hi Mike
Of course I forgot - you think you are better and wouldn't stoop to making political capital out of personal tragedy!
Nah, didn't think so...
In the instance I'm referring to, I'm unaware of any "personal tragedy". I'll do some checking.
However, if there was a "personal tragedy" that warranted a councillor moving out of the borough it makes you wonder why they would want to carry on travelling to the borough and attending meetings away from home?
I wouldn't make political capital out of "personal tragedy" as such, but I do believe in fighting fire with fire.
This is yet another good example of your wonky logic. You're response to the comment that Labour Group would use the info that an opposition councillor doesn't live in the borough is to respond with "I'd bet you'd do it too".
Hi Mike
so you would use any circumstances for political advantage.
I wouldn't - given similar circumstances.
So you are no different from those you claim act badly?
and you label Goldsmith (correctly) a hypocrite?
Re-read my comment.
Like I said, I wouldn't use "personal tragedy", but if I had information such as that I've already quoted (i.e. a councillor living outside the borough I'd use it).
I don't understand the point you're making. You say that I'd use any circumstances politically (wrongly, as we’ve only discussed one “circumstance”) and that you wouldn't in "similar" circumstances. Does that mean that you wouldn’t make political capital out of the fact that an opposition councillor lives out of the borough? Or is it that you’d not use any personal circumstance related to an opposition member?
Yes, I'm very different to Wales and his cronies.
This is interesting... if you became a member of labour Group and the decision was made by Group to use some information about an opposition member (let's use the example of living outside the borough) would you voice your opposition to it? I think we should be told.
Hi Mike
That's not what you said before. Mirror, mirror on the wall...pots, kettle....?
It is. I see why you like Orwell, you're like a character from his fiction.
Now, for once, answer the questions.
Hi Big Broth Mike
My point is that there some circumstances that if you have an ounce of decency you would not make political capital about.
Shame you don't agree!
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