Saturday, December 12, 2009

“John Gray's blog...He's the local, political version of Groucho Marx”

Does he mean me? Surely not? It’s not often that folk describe me as a Marxist! Rude boy and former Newham Labour and Conservative Councillor Mike Law has posted here on his blog “I love Newham Labour” (or something like that) that he gets a lot of fun out “winding me up” and that “P.S. You should give John Gray's blog a try. He's the local, political version of Groucho Marx... hilariously odd”.

Now Mike is of course famous for being prone to start a fight in an empty room. I must admit that we have been squabbling on this blog about things for quite a while. However, he has been waging his war against anyone who happens to differ with him for a number of years and of courses dismisses those who dare to disagree as dishonest, corrupt, arseholes, fuckwits etc. This is a shame he resorts to such daftness but dare you go this is our Mike. Mind you I do feel sorry for the poor old Newham Recorder which is a particular cause celebre for Mike. They are apparently part of some conspiracy against him since, believe it or not - they dared not to publish all of his letters in full!!!

I understand from Mike that he is no longer a supporter of the Tories and doesn’t believe anymore in Party politics. So I suppose that maybe Mike himself is the true Groucho Marx?after all the maestro did famously declare that “I won't belong to any organization that would have me as a member”!


Mike Law said...

Yep, I mean you... you do make me laugh.

And here you go again, reading into the statements people make your own peculiar take on the world.

"Mike is of course famous for being prone to start a fight in an empty room" - how would you know? I've never started a fight in my life.

I don't "dismiss" anyone who disagrees with me as dishonest or corrupt; I'm more than happy to argue my point with those who disagree with me. I am prepared to point out the dishonesty of the current Labour Mayor.

The only person I've referred to as an arsehole and a fuckwit on this blog is you... and you seem to do a good job of validating my opinion.

The Newham Recorder: Can you actually read? I really don't care if they print my letters or not (I've had some real ding-dongs with the editor over the last few years). What I do take exception to is the fact that it doesn't run with stories that are "too critical" of the current Labour regime.

Political Parties: I haven't a problem with political organisations. I quoted Washington because I agree with his point that political parties can be used by some as a vehicle for self-promotion. You only need to look at Newham Labour and the current crop of Labour councillors.

As you refer to my blog as "I love Newham Labour" I write up a post on my views on Newham Labour based on my experience; which no-doubt you'll pass off as nonsense as you know better than anyone what others actually experience.

John Gray as a Marxist... not at all, your blog post seem to indicate that you've the potential to be something far more sinister than that.

Finally, thanks for the plug for my blog John; I hope you continue commenting.

Anonymous said...

The few times I have met Mike he is without doubt a peoples man and does the things he does with transparency at its core. He has led the defence of those in the parks constabluary who were too scared to speak up and he has protected citizens in dangerous situations, aka the time he wrestled a knifeman to the ground.

Can't say that you match up to that Grayee

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
I’m sorry but I refuse to believe that there is anyone who knows you who does not think that you are at times very belligerent and aggressive. How on earth can you claim never to have started a fight in your life is simply nonsense. Anyone who does not totally agree with you is abused and frankly it is OTT and even threatening. I have met people who agree with some of the things you say but are to be honest frightened by the way you act and keep warning me “not to upset you or else”? What is that all about? You should be ashamed for the reasons that people think like this.

You do attack personally anyone who opposes you. In a very traditional macho and dare I say bullying and vindictive way. Now I will be the first to admit that I am no angel and go off the wall from time to time but at least I accept this and it just hypocritical for you to not.

Again sticks and stones…it doesn’t bother me what names you call me but someone your age (and my age I guess) ought to know better and it is in my view a disgrace that you think it is perfectly okay to openly swear at anyone and even worse to then openly gloat about it.

You keep claiming to that you have evidence to prove how ‘orrible the Newham Recorder and its editor has treated you? Well? Where is it? Publish and be damned?

Political Parties? There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are too much of a maverick to be a member of a political party. There are not enough mavericks in my book.

So I take the mick about your post being called “I love Newham Labour” – who cares, so what? Does it mean anything? If you were really confident about your views you would not give a damn what I said.

Now you are being a bit coy for Mikey – if I am not a Marxist but something more sinister then what sort of bad man am I then?

Hi Anon
Hats off to Mike for that incident when he disarmed a man with a knife in a pub. I have respect for him for that at least. I haven’t done anything exactly similar but I have served my country and community in different ways.

Saying that, I don’t think that anything Mike has done allows him to abuse and intimidate people in the way that he does.

With friends like you Neil no wonder Mike is led astray from time to time. Don’t you realise what a shallow and empty person you are to make such remarks?

LOL - with folk like you as our opponents in 2010 who have no moral compass I can already smell the certainity of victory!

Anonymous said...

As a longstanding Labour Party member I have a lot of respect for the integrity shown by Mike Law. He took a principled stand on the Parks Police issue and he is also critical of the way the Mayor and Labour Group operate, and these are concerns I know are shared by many in the Labour Party.

Anonymous said...

jon be careful since Mike Law will write to the newham recorder in his name one week then he will write in another name the following week attacking him. So he can write the following week defending himself.

no wonder the newham recorder has had enough of him.

Anonymous said...

Come on Anon 22.28 - the Newham Recorder is a useless rag. It's probably not entirely their fault since the local press are generally on their knees - but even so it is lamentable and gutless. It is almost entirely devoid of politics and what there is seems almost entirely dictated by Newham press releases.

Mike Law said...

How does anyone respond to something like this? YOU “refuse to believe that there is anyone who knows you… etc. etc” – just because you believe it John, doesn’t make it true. YOU say you’ve met people who are frightened by the way I act and warn you not to upset me “or else” and I have to take you’re word that that is true. And, as for my claim that I never started a fight in my life being nonsense, how on earth would YOU know that? I don’t think I’m the one that should be ashamed .

“You do attack personally anyone who opposes you. In a very traditional macho and dare I say bullying and vindictive way”. – Give me an example; I don’t see any problem with querying a view that I do not agree with. I guess you go along with everything Unison SWP members do and say. I guess you hope that, by repeating that I'm aggressive and a bully, people will believe it.

“ it is in my view a disgrace that you think it is perfectly okay to openly swear at anyone and even worse to then openly gloat about it” – In a way, I’d say you’re right and, in any other circumstance I may offer up an apology, but I think I’ll take a pass on that.

“You keep claiming to that you have evidence to prove how ‘orrible the Newham Recorder and its editor has treated you? Well? Where is it? Publish and be damned?” – where do you get this from? Repeating that I think the Recorder and its editor have treated me bad will not make it true, or make me admit that that is what I think. My problem with the Recorder and its editor (once again) is that there is a reluctance to run with stories that question Wales’ administration.

“Political Parties? There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are too much of a maverick to be a member of a political party. There are not enough mavericks in my book.” - This is rich. If the Labour Party’s rules were carved in granite and not scrawled in shifting sands, I’d probably still be a member.

“So I take the mick about your post being called “I love Newham Labour” – who cares, so what? Does it mean anything? If you were really confident about your views you would not give a damn what I said.” Erm, I don’t give a damn. I mentioned the name you gave my blog because I thought it was FUNNY.

“Now you are being a bit coy for Mikey – if I am not a Marxist but something more sinister then what sort of bad man am I then? “ – Not coy at all, I thought you’d work it out. In any event, the way you love to tell people what they think, and how you KNOW that they think it, you’d fit in nicely with Sir Robin’s regime – among the most sinister I can think of.

Come to think of it, I really hope you become a Labour councillor (if Wales is returned as mayor) then you’d really get a master class in bullying.

I doubt very much if Neil made the comment you referred to as I don’t think he’d be up for defending me at the moment.

Anon. 22:28

That’s a great idea. Thanks for the tip. I recall something similar being done by an executive member (if I remember, they used their partner’s name).
similar being done by an executive member (if I remember, they used their partner’s name).

Anonymous said...

I see that the UL is having a go at N Venedi on the rogers blog but good to see Nicks robust response!!

John Gray said...

Hi Mike
You are as usual over the top and out of order. I think for what it is worth that this is not only unacceptable but also really, really hypocritical on your behalf. If you don’t understand by now why some people (who are not in high political positions) are frightened by you and feel that you are a bully, then I suppose you never will. Please read your comments and consider how this at best “polemic” arguing must appear.

BTW – you did claim that you had evidence that the Newham recorder was a “wrong ‘un” in a comment on this blog (god knows where but I suppose I could find it eventually). So publish this “evidence”?

Mike Law said...


Like I say, just because you think something (and repeat it over and over again) doesn’t make it right.

I can see this is going to be another one of those situations where I ask you to explain yourself and you go on repeating your original statements.

It is a weak response to state that, because I don’t understand why people feel I’m a “bully”, it isn’t worth explaining it to me. Furthermore, as I stated in my previous comment, why should I (or anyone else for that matter) believe that there are people out there who think I’m a “bully” just because you say you’ve spoken to them? On plenty of occasions I’ve posted comments on this blog relating my experiences of the Wales regime and the marginalisation of rank and file Labour members and you respond with “I don’t believe you”. What were you saying about being hypocritical?

If you’re making the case that it is the way I put over my points in writing that is “bullying” I don’t see it. I’m sure if I was to go through your posts line-by-line I’d find a “polemic” that is equally as forceful.

On the Newham Recorder: I have always stated that it (and its editor) are biased in favour of Wales and his cabal (NOT the Newham Labour movement, but Wales et al). I made the point that letters I have sent in have, in many instances, had references to the mayor edited out. As I’ve stated before, I’ve had heated arguments with the editor over this. What I did write on this blog was a request that you print my next letter to the Recorder, should it not appear in the paper (I expected it to be rejected as it made Wales look more than a little foolish). To my surprise, the letter was printed – seem to be getting a better than average “hit-rate” at the moment.

The issue isn’t about the Recorder’s editor’s view about me, but the fact that there are plenty of issues that should be reported in the Recorder but are ignored for fear of offending Wales.

A good example is the recently announced £70 Million “savings”. Any decent local paper would have challenged Wales to outline exactly what the savings are. It was left to a few correspondents on the Public Opinion page to do that. When Wales did make a statement about it, the Recorder should have queried why the “savings” hadn’t been made before now – Wales had promised a more cost effective regime when he first became Mayor.

marshajane said...

I know Mike from Newham politics and can say ive never felt bullied or been shouted at by him.

Not that you'll rate my opinion much JG, but now you cant say re mike that "refuse to believe there is anyone who knows you who does not think that you are at times very belligerent and aggressive"


John Gray said...

Hi Marshajane

"I know Mike from Newham politics and can say ive never felt bullied or been shouted at by him.

My remark was as you quoted "anyone who knows you actually does not think that you are at times very belligerent and aggressive"

"at times" is the key issue. So you been lucky so far! But of course if you don't think he is at any times B&G fair enough but please look at the comments he puts on my blogs.

I will reply to Mike but just a bit busy at mo plotting n' stuff.

He was I thought being rather constructive and even polite on last comment (for Mikey)

Anonymous said...

@ Marshajane,

Thanks for the support but, unfortunately, John will never accept that his view of me (as dictated to him by "others" - if those "others" really exist) is wrong.


You should try talking to people who really know me.

Better still, why not try to address some of the points I make about the Wales regime rather than stoop to ad hominem attacks on me?

John Gray said...

FYI folks! The final word...

Hi Anon

"There are huge differences between me and him. Apart from the sheer buffoonery he forgets that Politics is supposed to be about the art of persuasion, reaching out to people and trying to get them on board. With him its Mike’s way or no way. If you disagree with him he just heaps a torrent of abuse and childish name calling on you. Whether he knows it or not it comes over as just aggressive, macho postulating and he should know better at his age.

Now I do know that I do go over the top every so often but it is sheer hypocrisy and cant for him to take umbrage the way he does whenever anyone has a pop at him back.

Anyway I have had enough for now so I’ve barred him from commenting on this blog. He can carry on ranting and foaming at the mouth on his own. You can check it out via my links under “Tory Boys”.

You can guess which one.

Anonymous said...

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Julia Kuree