Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Million Voices at Westminster

Yesterday UNISON took its Million Voices campaign to the House of Commons. Check a report heremore than 100 MPs accepted our invitation to hear from our members just how important the work they do is, and why investment in these services is vital during a recession.

Dave Prentis introduced the campaign, talking about how UNISON members are “helping individuals, families and communities get through this recession. They’re laying the foundations for a better future – a fairer, stronger society.”

Ordinary UNISON members - A school cook, a teacher assistant, a child social worker, a psychiatric nurse and a ward housekeeper explained to the audience about the key public services they provide. Our London Convener Gloria Hanson also spoke.

Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, thanked members for driving the campaign: “your words speak more powerfully than we ever could.”

Picture is of Susan an UNISON nursing rep.

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