Friday, December 18, 2009

Is the plan to punish the poor?

Letter published by Newham Recorder this week. There is a delay before they put the "Postbag" letters on their Internet site.

I think it is a pretty safe bet that the Tories will hammer the hard pressed working families who depend upon tax credits to keep the wolf away from the door. In favour of inheritance tax breaks for the millionaire mates of Dave and George (D&G).

I note that my fellow trade union activist and Chair of East Ham Tories - GMB Clause 4 "Brother Neil" also had a letter printed this week in the Recorder.

Like Brother Neil I am a "Housing professional" I suppose? but what on earth was he going on about? The Recorder titled his letter as "Time to co-ordinate more (sic) Intiatives". Which I think sums up the letter pretty well.

Which no doubt will cause Big Bad Mikey Law to rush in and claim this is all part of some weird and wonderful conspiracy by the poor old Recorder against his true blue but apparently currently estranged bro!


Mike Law said...

It could be that the Conservatives have got their figures wrong, or quoted the wrong amount... it's not as if Newham's Labour administration have ever printed the wrong figures about anything (the purchase of building 1000 - quoted cost in the Newham Mag £79 Million, real cost £111 Million).

We only have a few months to see what the Conservatives will do in government. Who knows, they may even reintroduce the 10% tax rate for low earners!

I read Neil's letter, what exactly was it in his statements that were wrong? As a fellow Housing professional, if you believe he has got his fact wrong maybe you should tell us.

The Recorder printed his letter, so why would I complain? You're still banging on about an imaginary problem I have with the Recorder that exists only in your head. I'll repeat my opinion one more time: the Recorder is biased towards Wales' regime - pretty simple really.

I see I'm now referred to as "Big and Bad". I'm not sure if that's any better than being "small minded and sad"... maybe you will let us know.

If you have any friends, and they read this post, I hope they will explain to you that repeating untruths and slurs do not make them a reality.

Anonymous said...

Get a life Big Bad Mikey...

Mike Law said...


That was a good point... you must be a mayoral advisor.

Anonymous said...

The Recorder does appear biased in favour of the Mayor. But the problem seems that it reports very little politics at all (I've now given up buying it) and, like much of the local press is doubtless struggling along with virtually no journalists.

In that situation newspapers just regurgitate the press releases they get sent - and as most press releases in Newham come from the Council, there is a de facto bias in favour of the Council (and particularly the Mayor, since, in his wisdom, he has taken all executive authority upon himself).

Whether bias extends further than this I am not sure, but I'd be interested to hear more detail from Mike Law as to why he believes this. Certainly the Newham Recorder will be dependent upon the Council for a large chunk of their advertising revenue.

Incidentally, Mike Law has not struck me as either big or bad.

John Gray said...

Hi Big Bad Mikey
I was actually talking about national politics not local. I would have thought that this was quite clear? Perhaps not? Anyway, Neil’s letter was just one long whinge with no real meat either way I think?

You did once claim to have “proof” about how “orrible” the Recorder and its editor was. You repeated this at least twice. You suggested that it was more than just being “biased”. But you have never provided this proof? No doubt I will come across these comments again but life is not worth living to actually search for it.

Hi Anon (Neil) 22.00
All regional and national newspapers are struggling. The Council has always been a major advertiser. I don’t think it helps that you slag off our one important free press institutions in our borough. BTW – I don’t think I have ever had a conversation with the present editor?

I understand that Mikey is refusing to meet me for a beer so since I have never met him I don’t know if he is big but I know he’s a very naughty Tory boy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not quite sure why you react so to Mike. He's someone who has principles and integrity, and he's not even a Tory any more! If he is concerned about the way politics operates in Newham Council and in the Labour group and the Labour Party - well, we know that those concerns are fairly widely shared within and outside the Labour Party.
In fact I think you two probably have a lot more in common that you might think...

Mike Law said...

Anon 19:49

Thanks for the support, but please, please don’t make the mistake of attributing any commonality between John and myself based on what you read here.

John, may well be the very personification of bonhomie in person, but here on his blog he displays all the signs of a fully paid up convert and devotee of the Robin Wales cabal. He even uses the very same tactics Wales and his cronies use when dealing with someone who questions them: abuse, avoidance and fabrication.

At some point in the near future the scales may well fall from his eyes… we live in hope.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
It seems that Mike has answered already for you. For once I agree with him! There are huge differences between me and him.

Apart from the sheer buffoonery he forgets that Politics is supposed to be about the art of persuasion, reaching out to people and trying to get them on board. With him its Mike’s way or no way. If you disagree with him he just heaps a torrent of abuse and childish name calling on you. Whether he knows it or not it comes over as just aggressive, macho postulating and he should know better at his age.

Now I do know that I do go over the top every so often but it is sheer hypocrisy and cant for him to take umbrage the way he does whenever anyone has a pop at him back.

Anyway I have had enough for now so I’ve barred him from commenting on this blog. He can carry on ranting and foaming at the mouth on his own. You can check it out via my links under “Tory Boys”.

You can guess which one.