Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Iran's Revolution is still devouring its Children

The murder and shooting of unarmed civilian protesters in Iran recently is shocking on a number of levels. The bravery of these protesters who face the regimes fascistic militia's with their bullets and batons is very humbling.

It can make politics in the UK appear to be quite petty.

While the failure of those who pretend to oppose all tyranny and dictatorships to meaningfully protest at the killing is pretty telling. Obviously some of them don't want to put in danger any payments for official Iranian media appearances.

The consensus seems to be that the regime's days are numbered but no one can give an exact date.

I think most ordinary Iranians will be saying sooner than later please.

NB Stroppyblog is one of the Left exceptions and has linked to Youtube on this. Note the comment made by some moron on her post that the protestors are "Imperialism's useful idiots".


stroppybird said...

Dave has done a good post on this as well.

btw, thanks for the link, also check out the Hopi website, whose posts I put up. There is lots there.

Anonymous said...

You mean fundamentalist muslim regime don't you?

Anonymous said...

didnt the SWP refuse to back the student uprising in in Iran and oh yes support support the Bus drivers strike in Iran

The SWP famously in Respect days were for English Muslim children being forced to wear Burkas at school

Now thats Socialism ....not