Mark is a friend, a UNISON comrade and fellow Labour Party activist. He is a similar age to me and of course, a fellow taff. It was shocking that such a larger than life, fit and active person should become so ill. A lesson to all of us to keep self isolating and seek advice. He is 3rd from right in photo with me at the TUC demo in 2018 alongside UNISON former lay Presidents Wendy, Maureen and our current senior Vice President Sian.
COVD19 experience.My name is Mark Fisher Chair of Neath Port Talbot/ National
Executive Council Member for the Great Nation Of Wales representing UNISON.
This is my experience of COVD19, testing Positive also having hospital admission.
I was feeling unwell for approx 10 days before I became very ill. I had dry cough, dry eyes , headache, loss of taste and smell and difficulties with breathing. I fought it at home which in hindsight was not a good decision, after sleeping on the settee, couldn’t lift my head off the pillow or keep water down plus a high temperature I gave in listening to my concerned wife and rang 111 also my Doctors, who advised to call the Paramedics.
The fantastic paramedics turned up and checked me out and due to my symptoms advised me to go into hospital, I was very concerned about the lack of PPE the Paramedics had, it was only a small plastic cover and small mask . He was concerned about me coughing on him and asked if I could try not to cough on him.
On reflection I am very concerned about the lack
of PPE for front line workers, I was tested positive for COVD19 and they put
themselves and their families at risk to treat myself, I was so proud and grateful for those fantastic paramedics.
I was admitted to Morriston Hospital with high temperature, lack of oxygen, breathing problems and headaches, I was tested for COVD19 and given chest X-ray which showed infections, I was treated with oxygen, fluids, antibiotics etc , I stayed on the temp COVID19 ward for 36 hours, until I was moved to ward H, where my treatment continued with IV drugs , fluids, oxygen and one to one nursing. I was very ill for 2 or 3 days, however the treatment made me better after a few scary days.
The ward I was put on was for potential COVD19 patients
who were very ill , the treatment received was fantastic, Doctors were
fantastic and staff were very busy looking after very ill patients. I have to
say, due to the lack of staff, also high risk element, there was little care element, this is no reflection on staff as they were extremely busy also short staffed.
As a frightened patient without visitors, it was hard getting information to family . The PPE on the COVD19 holding Ward was excellent all staff had full PPE when entering or leaving the ward.
A few days after my admission I was informed by the nurse that I tested Positive for COVD19 and I was infectious and had to be moved to a full COVD19 Ward. Due to them being extremely busy, I had no explanation on the positive COVD19, I was moved to the COVD19 Positive ward and spent 2 days in there having further treatment, the staff had full PPE and Doctor spent time explaining Positive COVD19.
Again there was little care due to them running
around and lack of care, however, as said the treatment was excellent, nobody
spoke to update my worried family, due to them being extremely busy. I am
pleased to say that after 5 days in hospital, I was discharged to continue my
recovery at home with full antibiotics to fight the virus.
After 2 weeks self
isolation, I am on the recovery and feel 100% percent better. I have to pay
respect to all who treated me in hospital also at home, the fantastic NHS
potentially saved my life.
I hope my experience will help others seek help
straight away, as I could have avoided an hospital admission if I had sought
treatment sooner, please, please, please - if you have any concerns ring 111 or
seek advice.
I am also pleased to say I agreed to trial new drugs whilst in hospital also when home and I believe these drugs helped improve my condition
and after 3 weeks I am on a full recovery, I am happy for you to use my
experience to help others. Thanks Mark Fisher"
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