I started the day at 7.15am at Forest Gate Railway station, E7 handing out USDAW (shop workers trade union) “Vote Labour – Stop the BNP” leaflets with Ellie, West Ham Youth officer. We had on the whole a very good response apart from a bizarre comment from a black man with an African accent who told us that he would never vote Labour because we “had given all the jobs to East Europeans”.
I had to go to meetings during the day and deal with urgent, urgent case work. In the evening we were handing out leaflets outside Stratford Station, E15. We had a weird discussion with TFL (Transport for London) staff about the vexed issue of whether or not we could put our posters on certain metal railings. We thought they were public railings, the TFL said they belong to them (we moved “under protest” to new site – see photo). 4 members of the Socialist Workers Party turned up and set up a stall over something. They were most annoyed that we were handing out other USDAW leaflets and that I was shouting out to people as I was handing out leaflets “trade unions for Labour”. I noted that like last Saturday at our Stall they were all white and middle class while we Labour Party activists actually represent the diversity of our borough.
Afterwards we went “knocking up” in Green Street West ward. There had been a few computer problems with the new Labour Party "polling day" software but it was sorted out. Again, we got a good reception with just a few wry smiles and comments but people pretty solid Labour. We packed up about 9.15pm since we ran out of “Knocking up” sheets. Had a detailed debrief at “The Goose” (world also put to rights) and I came home at 10.30pm to find out that James Purnell had resigned and has asked Gordon to go. Well, at least he waited until the polls closed I suppose.
Anyway, I’ll be at the count on Sunday, the following Sunday we will restart campaigning and we already planning our “thank you” leaflet to voters. We perhaps should be grateful that we do live in interesting times.
HA!!! Only Better when your outed!!!
Hmm - 'outed'? Didn't know you were hiding your gay light under a bushel, John? I suspect the idiot actually means 'ousted'. Or maybe 'routed'. 'Muted' even?
Enough of that, though. The reason I'm writing is a concern about Jon Rogers' lack of support for the Labour Party.
A few weeks back there was a rumour circulating that he was thinking about resigning. The upshot was a rambling blogpost from him about why he wasn't resigning.
But at no point (as far as I can tell from his blog) has he encouraged people to vote Labour in the Euro and local elections.
One could almost venture it is merely an erronenous omission, except that he did mention getting out and voting against the extreme right in one post.
I think the only conclusion is that he is rubbing his hands with glee at the current problems of the Labour Party and somehow seeing them as the opportunity to foist his peculiar brand of leftism on the Party?
Whatever, his claims to be a Labour Party supporter have never sounded more hollow.
its the first day of the fight back
the trick
is to start the fightback straight away
not like the tories wait eight years
lets make life difficult for these councils
who paid for camerons plane today to get from exeter to preston
michael ashcroft
tories down 6%
We had on the whole a very good response apart from a bizarre comment from a black man with an African accent who told us that he would never vote Labour because we “had given all the jobs to East Europeans”.
Whya was his comment bizzare? Why did you feel the need to mention his skin colour and accent?
Well it seems pretty dire in most places - except Lambeth where the Labour vote increased!
I wonder if thats got anything to do with Lambeth having a decent left led unison branch who get out there and speak up for local people and as well as UNISON members - unlike the national leadership of both UNISON and the Labour party
I feel disgusted, John, how you and all the other hard working grassroots campaigners were kicked in the teeth by cabinet members such as Purnell, Flint, Hutton and Hoon who resigned this week.It must have felt totally demoralising to have this bunch of careerist failing to give the lead necessary with the difficult circumstances we face.
Who is Jon Rogers???
I find it amazing, if not ridiculous, for someone (comment on the 6th June at 6.09) to post an anon comment then ask who Jon Rogers is? Shouldn't the question be who are you Mr, Mrs or Ms anon? For all we know you don't exist and we all know Jon of the Rogers does? Think about it.. :-)
Agree with anon on the 5th at 19.53 Lambeth has increased its Labour vote because the Lambeth Labour link of Lambeth Unison has done the work and has been consistent with the approach
Nick Venedi
How were you able to work out the swp folks were "middle class", John? Did they tell you they were off to a dinner party, or something...?
"Hmm - 'outed'? Didn't know you were hiding your gay light under a bushel, John? I suspect the idiot actually means 'ousted'. Or maybe 'routed'. 'Muted' even?"
I meant outed for what Labour are. Lairs, Spinners and the most deceitful party in decades. Which more & More people are realising.
Calling me an 'idiot' shows your contempt for anyone who does not support your party
Hi Anonymous Idiot,
'Lairs'? If you are going to attack people you have to at least let them know accurately what your accusations are. Despite what some people might tell you, spelling IS important.
But your idiocy aside, I actually wanted to post on the "reclaim the union" slate in the UNISON NEC elections. They highlighted 7 key people on their slate yet only 2 got elected. It seems like the members don't feel the need to 'reclaim the union' does it?
I think the anonymous Idiot was furious when his spelling mistake was pointed out and is now furiously back-pedalling over what he really meant.
Fantastic, and- things can only get better, eh?! ;o)
You say the BNP are like the Nazi party which they are!
Have a good look at yourselves the way you bully people in your community. Calling people idiots shows again the evil contempt that your so called party has in East London.
I will not belittle myself to your level by calling you idiots, but please do look in on yourselves if you want respect in our community.
Just because I care about spelling (and education generally) doesn't mean I am a Labour Party member! Do try to think first before jumping to erroneous conclusions.
And the BNP ARE fascists.
I note that the Health Service UNISON Trots (Dodgson and the like) are moaning on about the NEC results and suggesting the possibility of some kind of electoral fraud.
I wionder if they've got a comrade who's an expert on electoral fraud who can advise them on this matter? ;)
Expert on electoral fraud - oh yes I know exactly who you mean!
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