A little late as usual but soon I will very soon be off to Brighton as a branch delegate to first UNISON Local Government and then our National Delegate Conference(s).
Conference is the sovereign decision making body of the union. There will be a London regional delegation meeting tonight at 6pm. Then business will quick off first thing Sunday morning.
I’m going to try and blog “live” this year on the fun and games on the conference floor and fringe events. There will be some really important constitutional rule changes debated on Thursday which I feel are really vital for the future of UNISON. Especially for Housing association members.
Anyway watch this space!
So what was it about the TU friends of Israel? and Unison's decision not to allow them to have a stall?
well John, any update?
I blogged on it. It is a very dangerous precedent.
Even if you disagree with the Trade Union Friends of Israel, that should worry any genuine and concerned trade unionist, for once you start down the road of violence (or implied violence) within the trade union movement then you are doing the fascist’s job for them.
Hi Modernity
apologies I have only got on-line last night. I was not aware of this. They were here in the past. Will try and find out.
thanks John, I look forward to your report on the matter :)
Hi Modernity
It looks like you were right and I think this was a mistake although I beleive that conference arrangements took place during the Gaza offensive so I can understand why this decison was made at the time. Hopefully TUFI will be back next year.
We need more jaw, jaw not war, war
This sends out dangerous signals, UNISON need to think that there is conflict in the ME on a yearly basis, trade unionists need to think beyond that and get unions in the region talking and working together.
thanks for checking it out.
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