To my astonishment yesterday while getting a breath of fresh air outside the conference hall at least 1000 cyclists in various states of undress rode past along the sea front. I believe it was a protest about traffic and climate change.
There were Police cyclists (in full uniform of course) escorting them.
Since it was warm and very sunny I hope they slapped plenty of sun cream on!
Brighton & Hove Clarion Cycling Club
one of the best socialist cycling clubs in the country
As a 'rude Tory boy' I have to say: surely, not more bollocks on your blog John? :)
Hi Mike
I see you must have got out your Magnifying glass!
Don't need one to see all the balls on your blog John.
Hi Mike
They were just letting their hair down I suppose.
Doesn't it make you proud that we live in a country where people can do this kind of thing without fear of prosecution?
Hi John
I'm one of the organisers of the Brighton Naked Bike Ride. Can you send us a hi-res copy of your photo(s?) I really like the one you've posted here as it gives a sense of the size and colourfulness of the event.
Please send to
Best wishes
Hi Mike
Very true but I think all this was well organised and agreed with Police beforehand.
So please don't cycle down High Street North naked with all your dangly bits flowing. I don’t think Boris will like it.
Hi Nick
Will do! need to check which pc/lap top and connect.
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