Friday, June 26, 2009

Tolpuddle Martyrs' Festival

175th Anniversary Commemoration - Friday 17 to 19 July 2009

From the TUC website here

On February 24th, 1834, six farm labourers from Tolpuddle were arrested on a charge of taking part in an ‘illegal oath’ ceremony. The real offence was that they had dared to form a trade union to defend their livelihood. For this they were sentenced to seven years’ transportation to the penal colonies of Australia. The sentences provoked an immense outcry, leading to the first great mass trade union protest. The campaign won free pardons and the Martyrs’ return to England. It was an historic episode in the struggle for trade unionists’ rights in Great Britain


Charlie Marks said...

Quite hard to get hold of, but the epic film Comrades (1986) on the Tolpuddle Martrs is worth seeing.

ian said...


Film4 showed it a few months ago.

Anonymous said...

i will be going so will my unison branch

now great weekend
thanks to south west tuc