Sunday, June 07, 2009

Labour smashes all opposition parties in Newham Euro contest

I’m back from the Count (and a swift beer at Millers) and thought that I will post on Newham result first. I’ll post on the Gordon Brown meeting later.
1st The Labour Party - 19,331 votes
2nd Tories - 7,866
3rd Jan Jananayagam (Tamil protest) - 3,501
4th Greens - 3,356
5th Lib Dems - 2,761
6th UKIP - 2,717
7th Christian Bigots Party - 2,419
8th BNP (Hitler worshipping cult) - 2,144
9th No2EU (Trots and CPers love fest) - 660
10th Socialist Labour (our beloved leader Arthur) - 534

There were another 9 minor parties. Turn out I think was 27% (47,994). Great result for Labour – well done to our ace organiser Lisa and all activists in Newham Labour Party.

The count itself went very smoothly although it took a long time to go through all the “doubtful” ballot papers (742). Congratulations to all Newham Council staff (mostly UNISON members no doubt) who took part. Now stuff elsewhere ain’t looking that good for Labour so far but we will have to wait and see.


Nick Venedi said...

Good result in Newham John and we did as well in Lambeth. Like your description of No to EU yes to wasting our party party. Will the far left ever learn? Think Bob Crows clever move to announce the tube strike before the election must have helped them lose more votes. What a great strategist??

Nick Venedi

Anonymous said...

You'll take anything and make it good news won't you. The masters of spin working again.
I did love the well planned and organised speech in Stratford town Hall yesterday. I have to say well done as it was so beautifully orchestrated.
East Londoners will over time learn that Labour are a shower of wasters and that they can only bark and not bite.

Julian Ware-Lane said...

Well done on a great result. Far better than your comrades in Castle Point managed.

Anonymous said...

Shame the national vote put labour in third position with it's worst electoral results for a hundred years. Wiped out in wales..and in Scotland. Labour assisted two BNP members to get elected. Less than 15% of the vote nationally - only John could continue to project a victory? What's your analysis and explanation for this crushing defeat John?

Anonymous said...

This is spin worthy of Livingstone's old "Londoner" propaganda rag. Your "result" just goes to show the impact of Labour gerrymandering London by importing a compliant electorate. Don't think people haven't noticed. It didnt quite go that well elsewhere though did it?

John Gray said...

Hi Nick

Spot on!

Hi Sour grape anons

Yes, nationally Labour did get a kicking but well done to Newham for running a good campaign. The Party can (and will) win next providing we get our act together. The economy is the key!

Cheers Julian

I'm sure in the real election Castle Point will do much better.

Anonymous said...

we also had a swing to Labour in Soutwark

other good results in London

good news for next years council elections

Anonymous said...

"Think Bob Crows clever move to announce the tube strike before the election must have helped them lose more votes. What a great strategist??"

According to your own MP Dismore today, the Tory mayor provoked it. It's about time you New Labour people started attacking the real enemy before all the "irritants" to the left of you.

John Gray said...

Hey Nick

According to sourpuss tory boy you are New Labour!

Tories did provoke the strike but why on earth did Bob decide to hold in just before his attempt to be elected?

Anonymous said...

"Tories did provoke the strike but why on earth did Bob decide to hold in just before his attempt to be elected?"

Not even Andrew Dismore was asking that. Again the pathetic New Labour careerists whinge on about the Left while neglected working class communities defect to the Nazis. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.

John Gray said...

Hey Nick

The hooligans are back! with more space cadet comments.

Anonymous said...

"The hooligans are back!"

I guess you will be letting off some "friendly fire" against the CWU next week. Joe "Special Branch" Gormley springs to mind here.

John Gray said...

Hi Hooligan Anon

I haven't a clue what you are dribbling on about - Mind you keep wasting your life away comrade!

IndSoc said...

"Hi Hooligan Anon"

Are other independent socialists such as Tony Benn also "hooligans"?

"I haven't a clue what you are dribbling on about"

I think you do. With sectarians like you around, no wonder we are losing ground to the Right. I say "we" because I believe in Left unity.

John Gray said...

Hi IndSoc

Sorry this is a bit late but just trying to clear my inbox. TB is a nice chap but is probably the most unsuccessful Politian there has been.

You don't believe in left unity you only believe it on your terms. I am clear that I will have nothing to do with the ultra left.