Conference , Vice President, John Gray, London Region, Housing Association Branch, speaking in favour of Rule Amendment 9.
This proposed rule change is not just about fair representation and the need to give all members an equal voice. It is also about growing the union and its about organising in our sector.
My branch has over 3000 members spread amongst 140 different employers all over London and the South East of England. The branch and the vast majority of CVS activists from whatever background firmly support this rule change. There are to my mind 2 simple reasons why which I will now try to explain.
Firstly its about fair representation and having a relevant voice
Conference while I freely admit to being a bit of an anorak who actually enjoys going to the regional Local government committee. The other members of my branch who loyally respond to desperate pleas to attend from our office - are after the meetings bewildered by the business of the LG committee. Since that committee is quite rightly dominated by local government issues. So what happens? These delegates don't see it as relevant and fail to go again.
This year for Local government conference I had 3 first time delegates colleagues with me. At the end of the conference one of them said to me that while she had enjoyed coming to Brighton, meeting people,UNIZONE and the fringes - much of the business of conference were on issues that did not directly concern her or her workplace. She had never worked for local government in her life, her employer had never been part of a local authority and had offices in several different borough councils. Conference, again we run the risk that this delegate will not be coming back again to participate in her union.
Secondly it is about organising and building the union. Trade unions are needed everywhere but believe me they are absolutely imperative in the voluntary and community sector. Employment practices in many of these organisations are simply a national disgrace. Not surprisingly union density in the Voluntary sector is very, very low. So there are potential enormous recruitment opportunities but to recruit we need to make the union relevant to the sector. If we don't then Unite and GMB will fill this void.
Conference , this is a fantastic opportunity for not only current members but also those out there who desperately need UNISON in their workplace. Please support all the rule changes needed to bring this about. Thank you.
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