Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Final countdown to London Euro-elections

This morning I was delivering this leaflet to my ward. By co-incidence the UKIP MEP Gerard Batten lives close by and yesterday I posted one of our leaflets through his letter box. No matter how daft and ignorant UKIP is at least they take votes away from the BNP.

This evening I was at West Ham HQ in Stratford busy trying to organise for tomorrow.

The Labour Party is going through a difficult time at the moment and it will be silly for activists to pretend otherwise. However, I am really encouraged by the relatively very high level of political campaigning activity recently in West Ham and Newham. I think this is a sign that Party is not quite in the state that some would suggest.

We are probably going to get a bit of a kicking tomorrow but I am still convinced that the General election will be fought “on the economy stupid”. The Government has bravely taken huge risks to rescue the economy which I believe are working and will soon expose the Tories who have unbelievably stuck to their “do nothing” and “lets have a depression” policies.

Now the back of a beermat calculation about the importance of turnout tomorrow.
e.g. If the BNP need 8% of the vote in London to secure an MEP then if only 1 million Londoners vote then they only need 80,000 voters across London to succeed. They can probably get that support.
BUT if 2 million Londoners vote they will need 160,000 voters to get a MEP. Which they will find very, very difficult.

So everyone - get the vote out! But still Vote Labour.


Anonymous said...

Of dear John.
Desperate times for desperate measures.
Stop the BNP has become the mantra.While the BNP are ab abomination and should not be voted for , what the likes of Hazel Blears did yesterday does more for their cause for any of your bleathering.
Any chance you are going to post what the Labour MEPs will actually do for us - the voters?
The whole Labour Euro disaster has been stop the bnp - well you dont have to vote labour to do that.
Lets have some policy - and lets have an MEP come out and say they wont take the 45% pay increse they will get if re-elected.

Anonymous said...

The Government has actually been reckless in the way they have handled the economy. Good riddance to Brown...Labour are going down

John Gray said...

Hi anons

Actually I have posted on policies (see housing hustings for example). In my part of London the BNP issue is absolutely key (its important everywere)due to the deliberate attempt by them to spread their hate and devide communities.

I'm still convinced that Labour can win next year. Don't worry all is not lost! It will be the economy that people will vote on next year.