Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ultra Left's cunning plan to smash CONDEMS

It is good to know that our would be Vanguardistic masters have this cunning plan to save working people from the CONDEM crisis (and of course to bring about the necessary revolution).

Being entirely removed from real working people they are inevitably squabbling amongst themselves about the correct order and sequence to place knitting-needles-in-nostrils and already proclaiming betrayal about the date the underpants need to be placed-on-head.

What some folk don't understand is that trade unionists don't want to take time off work to be patronised and lectured by Grandstanding poseurs.  Until they "get" this then all they will do is to further divide and weaken us.  Empty and futile protests in favour of a brave new dialectic world must be put aside as we engage in a desperate real life struggle to defend the poor and the vulnerable.

In my next post I won't be so bitter and twisted and will post on someone who has a real, practical and intelligent way forward.


Anonymous said...

Not really in a position to accuse peple of "grandstanding" are you, John? ;-)

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Moi? Surely not :)

Anonymous said...

Let me know when you have a better plan?
Lambeth sees agm's of more than 200 people and has already saved jobs and had a victory with the 1 o clock clubs.

What have you done as a tu (or cllr even) is there a Newham save our services - what are you doing about the knock on effect to rsl's? Nada that's right cos instead you'll just whine about other tu that are effective and stop the region from being able to do more.


Anonymous said...

Oh and ps is there a newham save our services?

What are your thoughts as a tu or cllr to the paper circulated around the cllr's that could have been written by the tories welcoming the big society and saying LA's will not provide housing etc in future?

You know the one that plans to privatise virtually all of newham council - what's your plan to fight that john?

Lupino Lane said...

Looks like you have upset the trots again john. They don’t like a light being shone on them. What garbage is my Lambeth colleague “anne” going on about? An elected Labour council saved that service – that is the real lesson. Plans to privitise Newham council ?– another far left fantasy story. There is no place in our movement for these extremists and hooligans they should go off and form their own union (sect) and leave the hard work of opposing the cuts to realists not fantasists.
Lupino Lane

Anonymous said...

only 200 members who are all given paid time off to attend a AGM in the local town hall including travelling time and a free lunch. Out of 4000 members. out of a 12000 possible workforce and this is seen as something to boast about? this is better than many branch agms but we are really f**k'd if we see this leevl of activity as anything other than a disaster.

Bill said...

Just a small technical point, but Trots are far-left, the Ultra-Left opposes trade unions (the ICC and the like)...

Anonymous said...

what are SPGB then Bill?

Kate Ahrens said...

John, are you suggesting that the agenda of the regional council meeting is not relevant to London UNISON members? Cos I thought you were now a key member of the regional lay official team. Surely you could make these meetings more interesting and useful and therefore attract more people to them?
Lupino Lane raises some interesting criticisms. You will correct me if I am wrong I'm sure, but weren't Lambeth an elected Labour council when they threatened to close the service?

Lupino Lane said...

Kate; officers (including unison members)put forward the proposal but it was lambeth labour councillors who turned it down.

a friend who works in another borough attended the last london unison agm and she thought the behaviour of some of the United Left was appalling. no wonder delegates wont go to regional councils.

anonymous; it is even worse than you think, we didnt have 200 members at our agm and we have 3000 members not 4000

who is bill and who are the spgb?

Anonymous said...

I do wish Nick Venedi would post in his real name when blogging.

Don't you agree "Lupino"...?

Lupino Lane said...

I do wish James Caspell would post in his real name when blogging.

Don't you agree "Anonymous"...?

Anonymous said...

I do wish Ruth would post in her real name when blogging.

Don't you agree "Lupino"...?

Anonymous said...

who's Ruth?

Anonymous said...

I do wish Helen would post in her real name when blogging.

Don't you agree "Lupino"...?

Anonymous said...

and who's Helen?