Wednesday, June 03, 2009



Remi said...

I have already voted by post - for Labour. This Government is not a shambles. Little that goes on tomorrow in the polling booths will be about the issues - it will all be personalities and expenses.

Anonymous said...

Yes I still voted Labour
but many if they vote will lend their vote to another Party

as will the Tories to UKIP

On Monday Brown should announce hes standing down of expenses and urge Cameron to join him

John Gray said...


We're wait and see!

Anonymous said...

"Vote Labour"

Are you Mad? Why would I do such a stupid thing like that!

Anonymous said...

This is the first day of the fightback on the councils

we will rebuild municiple socialism

Anonymous said...

who paid for camerons plane

Anonymous said...

tories down 6%

Anonymous said...

Blind loyalty! Very sad to see there's so much of it still out there.

Oh well it takes all sorts I suppose