Monday, May 04, 2009

Boris – His first 365 days

Only 1095 days more to endure!

Check out this totally objective and of course unbiased first year assessment by Labour London Assembly member, Murad Qureshi (A good UNISON member).

Photo is of Baby Boris practicing being the Mayor - hat-tip thingy to bloggerheads


Anonymous said...

So Ken was a better Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear - Something in common there then John.

While you stand shoulder to shoulder with the muppets of Newham - Ken Livingston was the only one who made sense. He saw the true effects of London City Airport on the people of Royal Docks and Newham. His answer? He wanted to close it down. And develop the area and focus on social housing. The airport would NEVER have expanded under Ken. Every other candidate for Mayor said close it down - except Boris.

Ken cared about London and its people. But then he had to stand as an independent because Labour chucked him out.I might not agree with all his policies but I cant deny his passion to make London a better place.

Be more like Ken - Think outside the box and stop pandering to party politics.

John Gray said...

Hi Comrade Anon
Actually you are missing the point completely. Ken was the Labour Party candidate. As such there was a whole range of polices and positions that he did not agree with but he took the whip and remained the Labour candidate. I supported Ken because he was the Labour candidate even though I did not agree with all his pronouncements and policies. However, I don't think that there is any politician or Party that I agree 100%?
Saying that – you are wrong, politics is key

Anonymous said...

No John - People are Key.

John Gray said...

Hi anon
true - both are key - but individuals cannot do anything without working with others.

Jesmi said...

Nice work Boris. Good practical decisions and action from the word go

Anonymous said...

Yeah , Yeah, -- Jesmi. Good practical decisions like the ones he took on the Monday of the February snowfall ?

When asked by a House of Commons Committee what he actually did that day he replied "I observed it had begun to snow ".

Very prectical . Great Leader.