Thursday, May 21, 2009

TUC Pension Member Trustee Conference 2009

"Attached is a pdf of the flyer for this year’s TUC trustee conference, which takes place on 30 June at Congress House. The theme is Weathering the economic storm and speakers include:
Rosie Winterton MP, Minister for Pensions and the Ageing Society; Brendan Barber, TUC General Secretary; Jeannie Drake, Acting Chair of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority; David Norgrove, Chair of the Pensions Regulator; Nigel Peaple, Director of Policy at the NAPF; John Evans, General Secretary of TUAC; the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD; Gillian Tett, Capital Markets Editor, Financial Times; and Colin Melvin, Chief Executive of Hermes Equity Ownership Services

Details are on the TUC website and registration for the conference is available online this year at this address: We cannot accept payment via the website but people can reserve their place online and then send payment separately.

Alternatively delegates are welcome to fill in the form on the flyer and return it with payment as in previous years. Flyers went out to members of the TUC trustee network recently but if you would like paper copies to pass on to trustees, colleagues or activists who you think would be interested in the conference please contact Jennifer on / 020 7467 1222 and we will send them to you".

This is a very, very good conference and I would recommend that all trade union trustees or pension reps should attend. Frankly IMO if you can make it that day it is obligatory to attend if you are a members rep.

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