Thursday, May 14, 2009

Vote Labour for Cheaper Beer!

Yet another good reason to vote Labour in the elections next month.

Hat-tip thingy to Labour blogger Luke who reports here that in response to some typical hot air from John Redwood MP... “John Spellar MP has obtained figures from the House of Commons Library which show that a lower percentage of the cost of a pint of beer bought in a pub goes on tax now than it did during the Thatcherite years harked back to by John Redwood and the Conservative Party”.

So maybe Gordon should have launched the Party Europe and local government campaign this morning with this winning slogan?

This reminds me why so many bloggers support Labour over cheap “beer and sandwiches” at Congress House!


Anonymous said...

Or become an MP and have it subsidised in the House Of Commons!

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

I'm not sure about that? I think Weatherspoons is cheaper?

Anonymous said...

Well no John thats nor true.Plus dont forget MPs get over £110 allowance a day to eat and drink....