While I don’t think that street stalls are any real substitute for structured political canvassing they are important in promoting the Party in “Main Street”. They are also usually fun events and the chance to catch up on important issues with fellow activists such as the latest gossip and rumour mongering.
Actually I have some of my most interesting conversations with local residents at street stalls. Let’s face it - most contact we have with ordinary people is about voter identification. This also often means that we knock on peoples' doors right in the middle of something exciting on “East Enders” or phone them up as they are about to serve dinner. On a stall people can choose to stop and talk to you about things they think are important.
An off duty nurse from a “life long Labour supporting family” gave me a lengthy ear bashing about how angry the splits and disunity in the Government was making her. She was also annoyed that the local Labour Council and government had done lots of good things but they were not getting this message out to people. At the end of it she thanked me politely for listening and letting her get things off her chest. I hardly said a thing (much to the surprise no doubt of those who know me).
Just listening is something that we “politicos” are not very good at and we should do more of it. Very few people actually want to talk about the 'Today Programme' “big issues of the day” which we obsess about. I had one chap last week stop me outside the Party rooms who also told me at length how furious he was with the press and media for calling offenders who commit street robbery as “muggers” which he thought devalued and trivialised the offence. I actually agree with him but was not able to get a word in. Finally, he thanked me and went away apparently relatively happy as well.
Perhaps there is a lesson here – that in conversation the less you say the more happy people are? Or maybe it is just me?
(Picture of Lyn Brown MP and other West Ham activists)
UPDATE: Hazel and the importance of Labour Party stalls - amongst other things
Lyn Brown looks well. Taxpayers money well spent on her expenses then. Now as her expenses are within the rules she may not be a mugger but certainly took the public to be mugs.
Hi Anon
Do you realise what a plonker you come across as? I suppose that is why you hide your name?
Nevermind - one day you may see the light. I won't hold my breath.
and she will be re elected unlike Boris the fool
we should have let the banks go under (why did we allow tax payers to bail the rich out) and yes the tory front bench all of whom are millionaires and most ex bankers
and all bankers are !
what about Mr Conway and his expenses....oh yes a whole family of right wing tories paid for by taxpayers
John - If you dont want anon comments on your blog switch that option off.
And as for being a plonker , if you need to stoop to name calling feel free. But expenses are an issue - everyone in the Labour party agrees that. Y
You stand campaigning in a one of the poorest boroughs that has the highest paid Chief Executive and a highly paid Mayor and with an MP claiming second home expenses less than 45 minutes from Westminster. And Im the plonker? I would suggest you grow a pair and start standing up for the people and not the party.
Hi Anon 08.29
I usually don’t mind people putting anon comments. There can be good reasons for doing so and often I find them interesting and wonder about the motivations.
However, when you decided to make snide personal comments which frankly IMO made you seem like some sort of bitter and unpleasant person then it is reasonable to assume this is why you are “anon”. Since you would not want to publish such nonsense in your own name.
BTW - It is absolutely ridicules for any anon commenter to complain about name calling! You just don’t get it do you?
I am uncomfortable with high wages but in compassion to the salary paid to CEO’s in my sector then the Newham CEO is cheap. It is also just silly to claim that the Mayor or MP (including expenses) is over paid. Many Head teachers and GPs get far more money. A truly Progressive tax system is the answer and finally we appear to be on our way with that one.
Onwards and forwards!
Snide personal comments? Like you admitted you took a pop at Neil Pearce outside the polling station calling him Brother Pearce? Maybe not snide? Just Bitchy?
I have every right to comment on Lyn Brown - after all the taxpayer does pay her wages and expenses.
Its you who does not get it.Newham doesnt need to have the highest paid borough Mayor and the Hihest paid CE. To compare it to the private sector is just silly - If any business was handled in the way that Joe Duckworth or Robin Wales have handled Newham they would have been sacked plain and simple.
To stand in Newham handing balloons to children whose mothers will die on average 2 years younger , whose parents will earn £5,000 less than average - and all because they live in Newham.
Newham has one of the highest family homelessness yet the MP claims for a second home? A Cllr that owns 16 homes?
A progreesive tax system? Well maybe you could have a word with all your Labour friends associated with BAA. Lets have the airlines pay tax on fuel. An 80 year old woman pays tax on her fuel to heat her house - but BA and their ilk dont need to? You are falling into the trap of taxing the rich. Taxing the rich only generates a pittance. On average big business pay less tax on their business than a nurse or a policeman. Look outside the box John - You might find it very interesting.
Hi Anon
It wasn’t bitchy at all! Honest! Neil obviously volunteered to join the GMB and become a shop steward of a union that helped found and is politically affiliated to the Labour Party. It is a traditionally minded union and still tends to use terms such as brother and sister more than say in UNISON (mores the pity I think). Actually he took it quite well (ignored it and carried on).
That happens to be your (utterly unsubstantiated) view about the Newham CEO and Robin and that is your right to express it – but it’s obviously not the view of the electorate of Newham.
Yes, there are still huge problems to be tackled in Newham. But there have been huge improvements. The City airport will of course bring jobs into the local economy, but there are the Olympic investments and other initiatives which Labour are proud of such as the nwe free school meals programme.
I don’t think I have any friends in BAA? I do agree there should be a fuel tax on aviation fuel but we need to get the whole world to agree it. Tax the rich and businesses but fairly that is all I have ever said. If the government had not been so timid over taxation (for obvious reasons) and we had the money then Newham would be an even better place to live and work in.
remind me who funded the Respect National union shop stewards conferance again
Big Business
Hard to believe Blears didn't know what she was saying re: Youtube would be taken as an attack on Brown, but it's a good point in general. Editing a youtube video is no substitute for a street stall - and you're right John, people do appreciate being listened to, but get a little annoyed when a hint is not taken...
As Neil Pearce boasted about being a trade unionist what is wrong with calling him "Brother" ?
Do not Tory MP's, Councillors,MEP's , Boris, Brian Coleman (now there is an expenses "star"), --draw expenses , allowances, etc ?
Maybe even Mickey Mouse Tory Councillors who get elected on the Labour ticket(and then **** the party by defecting ), draw allowances !
Claiming for a second home when your main home is a 25 minute tube ride from the office is unjustifiable.
I live in Newham and work in Westminster. I do the commute daily - it's hardly a strain.
If Lyn Brown needs to stay in town from time to time because of late sittings or events she can book a hotel room. The City Inn is round the corner from the House and has rooms from £60 a night.
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